So I am recovering on the ward after pulmonary vein isolation with general anaesthetic. Felt a bit groggy (obvs), but managed to eat chicken, mash & peas, followed by jam sponge & custard. Very old school but most welcome, even from the rather awkward lying down position. In NSR but have felt a few ectopics. All par for the course I suppose. Biggest problem was having a wee which always gets me after a GA. Eventually, managed with the help of running water in my headphones.
Groin was a bit achy initially, gone off now but haven’t moved it so won’t know really what that will be like. Spending the night here for which I’m quite grateful. It’s a quiet ward so maybe will get some sleep even though it’s really warm with dvt stockings and non- slip socks.
I had my last apixaban on Sunday morning and due to resume at 10pm. So all in all not too bad so far. Due to be discharged 8:30-9am when hubby will take me home before he goes to work, leaving me in tender care of our son who is staying with us for that purpose.