Hi all, I’ve managed to have a shower today but I am scared of getting my HR up to high, I don’t think it was to much have a shower but it did make me feel wiped out a bit. Not sure if it’s the colchicine helping with that , I can’t remember last time I took it how it made me feel.
3 days post 2nd ablation : Hi all, I’ve... - Atrial Fibrillati...
3 days post 2nd ablation
Easy does it Blue. Remember what we say in the fact sheet. You may not hava giant zip up your front but your heart has had a reaaly good bashing, Just rest please.
Hi , do you think having a shower was too much , just wanted to get that hospital smell off me. I’m resting now and will carry on doing so .
I agree totally with all that Bob has advised.
After my first ablation I spent the following night in hospital, got up next morning and had a shower feeing really well. Then as I was leaving the hospital I was given a leaflet with some recommendations and one of them was no bending for a few days. Too late I'd already bent in the shower to wash my feet.
It’s so easy to forget isn’t it. On top of everything else the colchicine is making my hair fall out again, oh well .
See: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/272...
The raised rate may be associated with a better clinical outcome: "Although atrial fibrillation (AF) catheter ablation increases sinus heart rate (HR), its mechanism and prognosis have not yet been clearly elucidated. We hypothesize that post-AF ablation high sinus HR (PA-HSR) is associated with a better clinical outcome of AF ablation without adverse cardiac effects."
Sounds normal to me. Every single thing seems tiring for weeks for me.