Sorry to be a nuisance - I know I keep asking questions but scared of doing anything that is going to aggravate my AF. I also suffer acid reflux but haven't been bothered with it for a while so forgot to mention it to hospital. For the last 2 days have been getting the old burn up in my throat again. Normally I would just dose up on my prescribed lanzaprosole and antacid medicine. I've tried looking on the internet but can't find anything about mixing these meds with bisoprolol and apixaban. My throat now feels like it is on fire - I keep drinking cold water. Please please is there anyone out there that also suffers this and takes these meds knows wether it is safe to mix these drugs. I know I can phone 111 but they take so long to come back and I would really like some relief asap. So sorry to be a nuisance again! Many thanks
heartburn/acid reflux - help! - Atrial Fibrillati...
heartburn/acid reflux - help!

Much as I despise PPIs I know that many AF patients are automatically prescribed them when given antcioagulation so doubt you will have a problem.
Okay, many thanks for that. I wonder then if it's the apixaban that has caused the acid reflux to flare up again. Sorry not looking for answer on that one - just thinking out loud!
I take PPI's with my afib meds. No issue. Not sure what other antacids your're taking, but sometimes they have to be spaced away from other meds, so they don't inhibit absorption. Talk to your pharmacist.
Thanks Jim, also on Peptic, which is what I was going to take as it gives immediate relief and leave starting lansoprazole until tomorrow morning as it needs to be on empty stomach
I've been where you are with your soreness.
If you want the natural way. Cut out fat, yogurt and vinegar (hidden in baked beans) from your diet and see how you get on.
Eat a banana when feeling sore, also well chewed almonds help. If you look online you'll find a lot of natural remedies.
Raise the head of your bed up with books or blocks.
Mastic gum capsules help too (quite expensive).
Many thanks for that. Seems as though acid reflux not uncommon (especially noting BobD's comments. Would love to go natural and as soon as I have got this under control I will try it. Already have a daily banana but do have low fat yogurt regularly and had very small portion of baked beans for tea!!
There you go, just give what I've said a try. It was someone on this forum years ago who told me not to eat yogurt. Would never have dreamt of that being a contributing cause of reflux.
You may have helicobacter pylori (ulcer causing stomach bacteria) which can cause the soreness, in which case the mastic gum capsules would help. Don't know if it's ok to use with AF as I didn't have it back then. You would have to check.
Many thanks for that, as I do eat a lot of yogurt. Was tested a few years back for helicobacter pylori but all clear. Apparently it can be related to stress as I believe AF can be! Wish I hadn't had the baked beans for tea though!!!
You live and learn.
Have you read the possible side effects of Lansopazole. I wouldn't touch any of those PPI's with a barge pole. Please try my way first.
us people with hiatus hernia have to take ppis been taking them for years, I take 20mg pantoprazole now but find I have to keep clearing my throat, going to change to lansoprazole 30mgs, no problem with alpro greek style plain yoghurt.
I too have a hiatus hernia. How do I cope with it? I never wear tight clothing around my torso. You say you have no problem with alpro greek style yoghurt, but how can you say that when you're taking PPI's.
I believe that having to take 40 mg of pantoprazole for six months for gastritis is what actually caused my AF. The side effects of PPIs is depletion of magnesium, calcium and B vitamins; all bad for the electrical mechanisms of the heart. It took me a year to get off of them without the reflux coming back. Be sure to consult your medical professional when using these medications. Over the counter PPIs are not supposed to be taken for more than 14 days without consult of a physician.
I too hate taking PPIs but I was told the alternative could be stomach cancer if the reflux is left to it’s own devices.
I can only tell forum members here what has cured my reflux. If you don't want to change your diet very slightly then ignore what I've said and carry on with your pills.
I take Lansoprazole first thing in the morning. If, very rarely , due to indiscriminate meal or meal timing I need help later in the day then a glug of Gaviscon does the trick. I take Warfarin and have taken Bisoprolol with no untoward effects.
Perfect, just what I need to hear. thanks
Gaviscon is ok, I’ve been prescribed that, and it’s what I’d try first. But no yoghurt, maybe try kefir instead? I agree about the hidden vinegar - I can only tolerate Heinz tomato sauce, any other brand gives me agonising heartburn for some reason.
Wife was automatically prescribed Omaprazole when she was put on her AF meds. Which was weird given GP had refused to prescribe Omeprazole before that when she had asked.
On the dsily vsnsna suggestion that's fine but font have too many bananas in one day as potassium may build up which can be dangerous.
Hi I take Apixaban and Bisopolol and a prescribed reflux tablet every morning. I used to suffer with a really bad reflux cough, but fortunately it’s seemed to have cleared up. Take care x
Get Gaviscon Advance liquid form from the pharmacist. It's not a drug so no interactions. Take after food. No food for a couple of hours afterwards if taken during the day, or liquid as it breaches the 'raft' that the alginate product creates over the stomach contents. At night take it last thing. Don't even brush your teeth afterwards. Do it before. Sleep on your left side if possible and raise the head of your bed with 2 bricks today. Think of your stomach as a hot water bottle without the lid - no postions that squeeze it when it's filled. Finish your last meal 3 hours before bedtime. If you want more tips I can quote chapter and verse, reliable sources of information and dietary changes. The info I've given above comes from laryngologist wisdom because acid reflux that makes it to the throat can wreck a voice!
You do not have to suffer from acid reflux - it is manageable. I'm a long term sufferer and have it controlled.
Hi Singwell sorry to cut in but I would love any information you have on remedies for acid reflux. I’m on a PPI and would love to get off it.🙏
My morning tablets :-Asprin, Digoxin, Ramipril, lansoprazole, Bisoporol, Carbimozole.
My night time :-
Allopurinol, Warfarin, Atorvastatin.
I have no issues with eating any of the foods already listed in this thread.
I take lansoperazol with no effects on my ticker but why not ask pharmacy as soon as you can .Best wishes.
Acid reflux is likely to be contributing to AF episodes.
I would go for an Alternative Practitioner eg medical nutritionist to stop this without using OTC meds.
I had it most likely stress related, so look at making lifestyle changes.
hello, I take lanzaprozole each morning as I have similar to you. I also have a fib and take Apixiban and Teldium ( can’t take Bisoprolol doesn’t agree with me). My throat can become really sore and hard to swallow. I spoke to my doctor and had an endoscopy. This showed oesophagitis, reflux (GORD) I was told to continue the lanzoprazole and if needed to ask doctor to increase the dose.I also use rennies when I need to. Would suggest you speak to your doctor. Hope this helps.
I have acid reflux as well as AF and have been taking lansoprazole as well as bisoprolol and apixaban for years with no problems.
Don’t worry, i take the same medication everyday because acid reflux has triggered my AF in the past. I haven’t had an episode since taking the medication. I hope it settles down soon.
I take lansoprazole with bisoprolol and endoxaban without any issues
I take lanssoprazole apixaban and verapamil every morning. I sometimes get acid reflux I take take gsviscon double action tablets after a meal and this usually sorts it out with no after affects. I also have an actimel bio yoghurt every morning which has good bacteria and I think that helps too.
hello retired010
I have had a hiatus hernia for about 20 years now. The acid reflux would get so bad that it felt like a heart attack. I know chocolate. Pastries, coffee would make things worse. I take Zoton fasTab, a tablet that dissolves in the mouth but I also take something called silicolgel which is pricey (£8) but coats the oesophagus and provides a barrier. Result - no acid reflux.
Hope this helps
I take bisoprolol, flecainade, edoxaban, blood pressure meds and statin. I take one lansoprazole around 4 in the afternoon.
I read on here once that using decaf coffee and tea would help, I only have one tea and two coffees a day but the decaf has made a huge difference to me.
If I do get reflux feeling later on I’ll have orange rennies, so much nicer than the mint ones but getting hard to find, they work really quickly for me. Or gaviscon, it’s not very often now though.
I used to be on omeprazole but after about 18 months I started getting really bad Stomach upset to the point I was scared of leaving the house.
I did not think it could be that as I had been on it so long and gave up magnesium and others but nothing stopped it till I gave up omeprazole and it then cleared up, it’s one reason I only take one lansoprazole and not the two I’m prescribed as I’m worried about it happening again.
I did not take a ppi for ages after that but started to get a tight chest after eating my evening meal a “bra too tight” feeling. Told the gp and she gave me the lansoprazole and it really helped.
Just my experiences but you never know, there might be something helpful in there. : )
you say you have given up magnesium and others but we all need magnesium, chloride, potassium etc for the heart muscle to beat regularly. Sometimes antacids reduce stomach acid to the point where food is not digested effectively then you get knock on issues with malabsorption, constipation etc.

Sorry I should have mentioned, I stopped the magnesium as it gets blamed for stomach upsets to see if the runs would stop, also artificial sweeteners, but nothing stopped it until I stopped taking omeprazole even though I had been on it for 18 months with no previous problems.
As soon as my stomach went back to normal after the omeprazole I restarted the magnesium and have been on it since with no problems.
Interesting re the bra too right feeling as I often get this after food and hadn't mapped it as acid reflux.
It had not occurred to me either, I had this as a symptom years ago when I first went to my gp thinking I had a chest infection and was told my chest was clear but I had afib!! I could not speak a sentence without gasping for breath.
I think it probably might have been a mix of afib and reflux back then.
The lansoprazole really helped with it. Are you on ppi’s?
If my acid reflux flared up. which it did, seemingly randomly, on occasion, my GP always told that I could double my dose of lansoprazole from 30mg to 60mg, as needed and that always did the trick. Why would it suddenly flare? I don't know but I have a small hiatus hernia and I presume that can worsen.
I did try to stop taking PPIs once, following negative comments on this forum and elsewhere, replacing them with older drugs like Zantac but, goodness me, I did suffer and, in the end, had to return to them, now to esomeprazole, which can be taken with food. I suppose in an ideal world, I would be offered an op to make the sphincter at the top of my stomach work properly, rather than stop the acid being produced, but that doesn't seem to be an option on the NHS.
Centaurium drops help with digestion and strengthening the sphincter at the top of the stomach so that might be worth looking at- it helps to balance stomach acid check it out.

Thanks for that tip. I’m going to look into that. The surgical options are rather less than ideal.
Sorry to hear you’re suffering so badly.
I would look to your diet. Try cutting out all dairy and wheat for a week and see if that helps to settle your stomach.
I use natural methods. Lemon juice in water, or half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in water, or bisodol tablets. If it rarely gets too bad colloidal silver helps.
After I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia which comes with some acid reflux which I had never noticed before, I discovered that the drugs I was given for that are not a good thing for those with AF as they prevent the absorption of necessary magnesium and potassium. A friend who also has it, found an exercise on the internet which I do every morning which pushes the hernia back down through the diaphragm. First I drink a glass of warm water which is supposed to fill the stomach and then with my arms stretched out and then placed on my chest I rise on my tip toes and drop down 10 times and then with arms in the air breath quickly through my mouth for 15 seconds. I suck the occasional anti acid tablet too and have occasional doses of Gaviscon as they are quite nice! My friend found the exercise under “How to fix a Hiatal Hernia yourself” by Dr David Williams. Good luck and hope you find it helpful.
there is a site where you can look for drug interactions- not sure what it is but if you put in those words mr google will surely understand what you mean! has a “Drugs interaction checker”

I use DuckDuckGo to search as not so keen on Google!
I've been taking Omeprazole for the last 30 odd years because of GERD and a small hiatus hernia along with Bisoprolol and another anti-arrythmic for my SVTs. Started Apixaban 3 years ago and to date have had no problems, Tried reducing PPI because of all the publicity but my heartburn was so bad I just gave up - what do you do!
With me it was the anticoagulant that caused my acid reflux to be worse. I have to take PPI’s as l have a hiatus hernia. You need stronger treatment for your stomach protection. I take Omeprazole which l believe is stronger and if I gets really bad l am told to up my dose until my symptoms subside. The burning and indigestion is unbearable without my medication. You need to get some help from your GP regarding this as your stomach needs protection. You also need to watch your vitamin B12 as PPI’s can deplete the body of this. I take a supplement.
You can google drugs & find if they interact with others OR ask your pharmacist but if your GP is worth his salt he would already have checked for any interactions before prescribing them. I take omeprazole with bisoprolol without any ill effects , BUT I am not you. Best wishes.
I used to have really bad acid reflux. It felt like I was wearing a turtleneck sweater all the time with bouts of severe burn and pain. What helped me was taking a really good probiotic daily, taking my statin pill much earlier in the day ( I usually take it my itself after lunch or after a healthy afternoon snack) instead of at night, and taking most of my medications and vitamins within three hours of going to bed at night or even lying down, and try to go for a twenty minute walk after I take them even if it is only walking around and around my house. The only pills I take closer to bed time are my night dose of Eliquis and my Magnesium glycinate and even with them, I make sure I don’t lay down for about an hour.
Many thanks for all your comments and good advice. Now I know I can take acid reflux meds I'll be fine. Hopefully only will need it for a few days then once it's calmed down I can usually forget about it for a while. Been like that for about 20 years but if I don't start meds quickly the burning becomes very painful. Calming down now, so once again many thanks to you all.
Yes, l think you can control it yourself with medication and diet. I have been on Omeprazole for years, and take Gaviscon at bedtime. I have a very weak stomach and a large hiatus hernia. Some people are lucky enough to be able to control their symptoms naturally, but some of us need medical help. It’s the same with most ailments they are either mild, chronic or severe. If the acid is not controlled you can end up with a more serious complaint like ulcers or even cancer. My doctor has told me this. Do what is best for you, we are all unique.
I take apixaban and omeprazole with no problem. Sorry I cant say anymore especially regarding your other medication.
Retired as far as asking questions we all do that that’s why we are here to learn.
I get heartburn easy, and it must be pretty common because my EP and I’ve had more than one always prescribes one to me following a procedure. It isn’t really surprising that inside. There is irritated after what they do. Usually he gives me some thing that I only need to take once a day for a month. I would ask your doctor, because he will have the better choice to give you instead of OTC. Some of them do not work with all of our meds, so you really do need to check many of them have calcium. Yeah, check with your doctor please
it’s very funny since my pace and blate I am not getting heartburn like I did. Yes I can still get it. I forget what I had the other night and it reminded me that it is still around. I love spices. I live in Texas don’t become paranoid but nobody wants to get an a fib event you can behave as well as possible and it still does what it wants. Just don’t be silly and eat or drink something that you know will bother you. PS, as far as soreness in the throat etc. I don’t know what you had done but if you had probes etc. it’s going to hurt. My very first one I looked like a bullfrog. I was so swollen from here to air and old did it hurt even water caused pain
Not had any investigation to irritate throat so assume it was a side effect of perhaps Apixaban. Thought it had gone but burning now spread up my nose and into mouth. I have had this before many years ago when I was first diagnosed with acid reflux and know I have to keep taking lazaprosole and peptic till it eases. I also know stress aggravates it and I have had plenty of that lately. I also have mild IBS - all stress related so wondering if that is what caused my AF.
When it comes to taking PPIs with Apixaban and Bisoprolol, I have had no trouble. Though I only took the PPIs for 6 weeks till the problem calmed down. Not long term. Antacids on the other hand, like Gaviscon or Rennies, should be taken 2 hours before or after heart medication like Bisoprolol. According to what I've been told, they interfere with absorption of the heart drugs.
Reflux responds well to 2 weeks of eating alkaline foods, oatmeal, squash, melon, lean fish, are all good, with no onions or tomatoes.
A great book called Dropping Acid by Jamie Koufman and Jordan Stern sets it all out. (Strictly speaking, it's not only acid but also the enzyme Pepsin from your stomach that's causing the problem). Good recipes too
Didn't know about bisoprolol and antacids so thank you for that. I'll phone doctor tomorrow and find out what more I can take because burning has now spread to nose and throat. Had it before many years ago when 1st diagnosed with acid reflux. Thanks also for other suggestions. Must admit I do like a few cherry tomatoes for lunch everyday but otherwise diet does contain sort of foods you mention (except melon). Many thanks for all your help and advice.
Glad to help! As a rule of thumb practically all veg are fine. But most fruits are not, particularly berries including tomatoes, which are very acid. The exceptions are melon, avocado and banana which are fine.
I stress this is only for two weeks. You need to start on fruits again gradually after the inflammation is healing. Meantime lots of water, no sugar and little fat.
What people say about lemon being alkaline forming (in that it encourages alkaline production) is possibly true - I don't know - but it is an acid and not good while you are actually suffering with a badly inflamed oesophegus. I really hope you get sorted soon. Best wishes.
Many thanks. Waiting for call back from doctor. Eat a lot of veg daily all organic and also a daily banana and pear. Will cut out tomatoes but hopefully go back to them when this is over. (Have lots of plants doing well in greenhouse!) Been getting so much advice from people, it’s amazing how helpful people are.
Pradaxa another anticoagulate can cause stomach upset but I dont know about apixaban.
I take a fruit or fruit juice with my Pradaxa.
Also I dont have a gall bladder.
Have you had all tests for gall bladder problems?
Finally they looked and mine had disintegrated!
A simple scan should give indication of balls but mine tiny were blood fur balls.
I've never looked back but after a meal I do have a problem with bending over.
Try lemon or lime in water first thing in morning.
I got bad reflux with coffee.
Hope this helps it sounds very uncomfortable.
cheri JOY. 74. (NZ)
Many thanks for that. Not aware that I have a gall bladder problem but always a possibility. Have always put my acid reflux down to stress and anxiety as I also have mild IBS and know they can go hand in hand. Am speaking to the doctor tomorrow.
I suffer from a.f and acid reflux i take the said drugs together and for me all is working fine though it is recommended to leave a couple of hours between your a.f meds and reflux meds hope this helps but you should talk to your doctor
I had a cardiac ablation last August. I was given Protonix for acid reflux, as I was intubated I continue to have it along with heart burn. It feels like I’m having a heart attack. I’ve found that just drinking a few gulps of water stops it in its tracks. I’m no longer on Protonix as I try to minimize chemicals I put in my body. It helps if I sleep on my left side, it aids in digestion.
Hope this helps🙏
After years of bad heartburn, I figured out that garlic was the culprit. My family had often asked me if I had eaten garlic - many hours after I had eaten it. I am assuming that my body just can't digest it. Happy to have found such an easy solution! I now have Afib and on Eliquis and Multaq and do not have any heartburn. Also, there are several websites where you can search for drug interactions.
Must admit do like garlic and have been having more of it recently thinking it was good for my heart. I should have read your message earlier!! No more for me. Many thanks for that.
Its safe. I’m on Omeprazole for reflux and Metoprolol and Propafenone for AF.
hi I take nexium 20mg twice a day as I have GERD, SLE, AF and am on apixaban and sotalol for the AF and nexium doesn’t interfere with my AFMedication but again alway a good idea to consult with your doctor either in person or via phone consult about adding new medications
I have found over the counter meds for reflux do nothing for me.
This is just a thought.......I used to suffer with the most terrible heartburn/reflux and used to constantly take omeprazole. When I was diagnosed with AF, I drastically changed my diet - stopped drinking alcohol, cut out many fats and sugars and generally turned my lifestyle on its head. I wasn't so troubled with the heartburn anymore. Three years down the line, I have gone back to allowing myself a few of the forbidden fruits and now allow myself the occasional treats, including a glass of red here and there. Things still appear to be quite settled and while I can't claim the reflux etc has left my life completely, any episodes I now experience are much milder. Another thing I do on a regular basis is to allow myself a high cocoa content hot chocolate- I go for at least 85%. Good luck with your journey
Many thanks for that. I do enjoy the odd glass of wine but otherwise my diet is fairly good with very little fats and sugars anyway. Don't drink cocoa which I think would be a good idea. Have some Green and Blacks pure cocoa powder in cupboard which I can certainly have and never have sugar in it. I automatically assumed my acid reflux was down to stress or side effect of meds.
FDA recommends only very short time use of PPI’s. Search for Dr. Sarah Myhill and GERD . She explains what often causes acid reflux and what actually happens in the stomach. It is often caused by too little acid not too much. As we age we have less stomach acid. Take a table spoon of apple cider vinegar and often this will stop acid reflux. I take apple cider vinegar tablets twice a day.
I have explained this several times. It amazes me that most doctors are unaware of the dangers of PPI’s. and why they do the opposite to what is needed. They actually make it necessary to continue taking them and the drug companies know this.
Many thanks for that. I will look her up. I will also research Apple cider vinegar. Thanks again
I had been taking one med for GERD for quite a few years and the heartburn just started again. My GP chgd me to another med but GERD now occurs periodically. I use the occassional rolaid. I am also on apixaban and don't believe it has anything to do with GERD (from my extensive research).
Maybe it has to do with age (78yo).
Can only give my experience - for what it is worth! On Bisoprolol for tachycardia, gall bladder out last Nov and cardiologist prescribed Lansoprazole as I was getting some indigestion. Decided to stop taking it as still got acid reflux early morning so researched my medications and found that PPIs can affect the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals - very tired on the Bisoprolol so didn’t want any deficiencies!!
Went back on Gaviscon Advance which sort of did the job, but then tried GaviNatura which contains aloe vera as one of the ingredients. Reflux certainly seems calmer!