Hello all,
I have recently started to take daily Flecainide for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. 2 x 50mg for around 10 days and now 2 x 100mg for the last 2 days as the number of episodes actually increased on the first dose.
One odd effect from the beginning with the Flec, is that just after breakfast I was/am either having an episode or felt/feel that I nearly am having one, almost every day. I take a minimal 10mg of Omeprazole per day, which has managed my acid reflux perfectly for 20 years, but given what is happening, and that it seems to start in the stomach (albeit no burning as such) I am wondering if the Flec could be increasing the acid reflux which in turn is somehow triggering more episodes.
(I am also super sensitive to bending over and changing my posture quickly at the best of times.)
Is anyone aware of or experienced anything like this when on Flec?
Many thanks.