I had an ablation on October 30th and they crossed over to the left atrium to do a PVI for SVT. Initially, I did have headaches with ocular symptoms and they said that was normal, so I tried not to worry. The headaches continued and have been severe at times. Lately they have been more persistent and I have had a headache now constant since Saturday. In addition, I have noticed some sinus tachycardia, which again, is normal post ablation. I was checking my heart rate one evening when it seemed high, and I noticed that my SPO2 was consistently dropping about 40 seconds after laying down and then coming back up after about 40 seconds. This happens every time I lay down. Last night it went as low as 85%! If I stand up, it is fine, and as soon as I lay down, it happens again. This is concerning to me as a possible right to left shunt and am headed to the doctor today. My guess is that they will do an Echo w/bubble study. Has anyone had this and had symptoms?
Post Ablation Shunt?: I had an ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Post Ablation Shunt?

No, not had those symptoms after any of my 3 ablations.
Your SP02 shouldn't be dropping that low either, even if briefly. It will be interesting to hear what your doctor has to say. Must admit I've never tested my SP02 going from standing to lying down. May check it tonight, if I remember - could be a normal occurrence I suppose.
Please let us know how you get on.
Take care.
Thanks. I was really advocating for an echo with bubble study because it is definitely something that can occur with a right to left shunt. They want a brain MRI, which is okay too, but I'm just not sure. I really feel like an echo would be better. They didn't really seem to want to do that.
The mornng after my last ablation they did an echo to check pressures.
I had a bubble test during the ablation as I had a PFO so the septum puncture was not required as they went through that and all was good. My O2 drops at night and sometimes dips as low as 82% but doesn’t stay there for more than a few seconds. I just looked at my average for last 24 hours and it ranged from 89-95 whilst during the day 92-98%. I got a bit worried about this so my EP put on a professional monitor and was not concerned with the results so I wonder if they will do that first as none invasive procedure.
Good to have it checked out so hope it goes well.
Thanks everyone. I have a brain MRI and Echo scheduled for.next week. The headache has been relentless and horrible. Hoping something works out.