Hi all
two months ago I had sudden onset of fast heart rate rate climbing up a ramp at a station.
this was not the first time I had had previous heart rate out of the blue once before whilst out for my walk and had to sit on a park bench until it passed.It felt awful at the time but passed after 20 minute or so.
Several of you so kindly replied saying more or less not to worry unless feeling faint chest pain etc.
The problem is I have now got it in my head that this is a ventricular arrhythmia and know that this can be lethal.
I had my ablation 19 months ago and all good since but now I have given up walking which I love and waiting for more arrhythmias .
My question is would a venricular arrhythmia show up at the time of my ablation and therefore be treated?
Instead of enjoying life I am spending more time than I should at home worrying about a ventricular arrhythmia.
Thank you for reading my woes. You helped me such a lot last time. The forum is wonderful. Few people outside understand.