Hi everyone.
Some may remember the trials and tribulations of my AF journey/ ablation history. As reported in some of my last posts, a different and more experienced consultant has suggested he do another ablation under GA so as to be better able to monitor me due to previous complications. He had a 6 month waiting list and the 6 months is now up. My arrhythmia nurse tells me that it will be soon unless other more urgent cases come in through A and E. All well and good except that my AF is much worse. Now, I am having AF for maybe 48 hours and when it would normally convert to NSR instead it is converting to tachycardia at between 120 and 150 bpm . This lasts for days and then maybe converts to NSR for 24 hours or , more usually goes back into AF. My nurse tells me to hang on in there and consultant doesn’t want to increase or change medication ( already on a high dose).
All the time I am converting to NSR even for a short while, he is giving me a good chance of success but I feel that by the time the procedure is done I could be past that point. Obviously I am really concerned about this not to mention worn out by the whole thing.
I’m not really sure what I want to ask you all, but you always have a reassuring affect on me so hoping it works this time! I am in constant contact with my wonderful arrhythmia nurse who has the consultants ear so I don’t think I can do more but any tales of similar experience and outcomes would be welcomed.
Many thanks