Hi everyoneCan anybody tell me if its acceptable to have nose bleeds on apixaban, been on the med over 3 years, started having nose bleeds, should I worry?, told GP she didn't seem to be concerned, trying to blame them on other superficial problems gave me a spray.
Nose bleeds: Hi everyoneCan anybody... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Nose bleeds

Hiya Marymara,
Back in the day ( Jan 2010 ) when first diagnosed with paroxysmal AF I was put on both Bisoprolol and Warfarin. I was told by the consultant in question at the time to take Bisoprolol in the morning and Warfarin at night. These two drugs were an addition to my existing party bag of drugs, in those days, Ramipril and Simvastatin.
Some months after taking the two new drugs I developed nose bleeds, random anytime and full flow ! For no logical reason. I spoke to my GP and she; looked up in her Book of Magic Potions .... she then said take the Bisoprolol at night. I did that and have never had nose bleeds since ...... although I have very small smidgens of nose bleeds at night which stain my pillow , but only tiny ones about 3 times a year all at random.
So, all may not be what it seems. I do suggest you examine your drug intake and have a talk to your GP about taking any or all of your drugs at night so they begin to work on you while you are asleep - see if that might help. It may also be useful to read the bit of paper in the Apixaban packet and see what it says about side effects.
I dealt with this problem in the past. Now I use a natural product called NOZOIL. It’s a sesame oil, all natural, non-aerosol spray. The important thing is to keep the nasal passages lubricated. I keep a humidifier on in my bedroom at night and use NOZOIL three or four times weekly. Between the two methods, I no longer get nose bleeds. Mine were frightening.
I used to have nose bleeds but nothing to do with the Apixaban, my GP suggested snorting salt water and that cured them, and I no longer get them even if I don't use the salt water. She did send me to a consultant who said that he could give me a spray but as the salt water treatment was working it was better to use that.
All the best.
A friend had similar. I think, in the end, all that he was advised was to apply pressure on a particular area of the nose. They did intend to cauterise the errant blood vessel but I think didn't. That was a few years ago and he's been well since.
If yours won't stop, I suppose that cauterising it might be the way forward.
They chose not to cauterize but opted instead for packing. What a horrible experience that was! For that reason, I take care to do everything I can to prevent a nosebleed. The packing was left in for 48 hours. It was very tight and very uncomfortable. The upside is that since then I have not had a nosebleed.
I have been on eliquis for a couple of years. After about 10 months I began to get sudden heavy nosebleeds. Used nampons and saline spray after seeing ENT. Also started using a bedroom humidifier. After about 3-4 months nosebleeds became less frequent and less severe. Now I haven’t had one in almost a year. Moisture in nose is the key I think. Good luck.
I'm only really worried if it were a pre curser to a brain bleed
My primary doctor, and ENT said nosebleeds were not a worry unless extreme. I had to go to ER once to get my nose packed to stop a bleed and doctor didn’t seem concerned unless it was repetitive. So I don’t think there’s a connection making a brain bleed any more likely. Check with your doctor.
Hi Marymara
I can offer you some advice from experience.
I've had nosebleeds all my life and a few years ago had a serious one, from high in my nose, which resulted in my being hospitalised for several days. They tried to cauterise my nose to stop the bleed but I was bleeding too much. They do it chemically these days. Then I had a huge bung inserted into my nose and it was inflated. I wrote about it on this forum and received so many helpful replies.
A male nurse at my GP's surgery who had worked in Afghanistan told me the lads there were always getting nosebleeds because of the dryness of the air and he would tell them to put something like Vaseline up their noses. I see someone here has said they use a nose lubricant spray and that sounds like a good idea.
When I had mine, which I can tell you was the most traumatic experience I've ever had in my life, would rather give birth than go through feeling so vulnerable and helpless while I filled up carboard dish after dish with blood.
I'm pleased to say I've only had a very few minor ones now like you. One thing I thought made my bleed worse was my stress taking my blood pressure up. I feel sure now looking back that if I had taken a beta blocker and brought it down the situation would never have got out of hand. Also be gentle when washing your face, it's only when someone on this forum said they found not pressing so hard helped reduce bleeds that I realised I was quite heavy handed.
So it may be worth you checking your BP when you notice blood spots on your pillow, also I think lubricating the nasal passages while it's summer would be a good idea.
"Acceptable" is hardly the word I'd use - quite the opposite in my opinion. I've been on apixaban since 2022 and have three serious nose bleeds which resulted in three trips to A&E and two nights in hospital, not to mention blood everywhere in my home. The hospital admissions were for cauterisation which seems to have worked or maybe it's the nightly application of vaseline to my nostrils as recommended by one ENT doctor (but later poo-hoohed by another!). I think the trick may be to keep the nostrils lubricated to stop them drying out. I hope that works for you.
I take extra care eg not blowing nose too hard in hot weather. Both my wife and I had a rare nosebleed on the same hot day!
l had my nose cauterised 8 years ago and no problems since. If it keeps happening, l would push for that. Nose bleeds are scary.
No one has mentioned relation to apixaban?
No, l agree. If it was myself, l would want to know if there was a connection. Did you ask your GP because she is the only one to find out if it is the anticoagulant or not. GP’s don’t seem to think that nose bleeds are a serious condition, but it is awful to the patient. I used to just turn over in bed and it would happen. Mine wasn’t the anticoagulant because l wasn’t taking one at the time. If you are worried, voice your concerns and get some answers.