hi everyone just wanted some reassurance I am having a colonoscopy for a test I ams so worried about having to come off my anticoagulant apixoban for three days before the procedure they have said they'll do it but if they find anything like polyps which are easy to remove they can't remove them without me coming off apixoban so I am staying on med for this first one and if anything is found in the coloscopy then they do another which I would need to come off them which obviously I would do but don't want to risk coming off meds till I know there is something to remove am I worrying too much about being off apixoban for 3 days I'm sure. many of you have had to do this with the associated. risk involved
coming off apixoban : hi everyone just... - Atrial Fibrillati...
coming off apixoban

I think you made a wise choice to see if there are polypops to remove first. One step at a time.
We are such a compliant lot on here!! Think of all the people who often forget their anticoagulants and sail through life with no issues. In the bigger scheme of things 3 or 4 days out of 365 without cover does not raise your risk as an individual by very much at all.Hope all goes well
I do tend to over worry thanks that does put things into perspective for me

Common situation. I've just restarted my warfarin after seven days follwoing a bone marrow biopsy. I'm still here!
I hope you're okay. Bob, and that the results from the biopsy are good!
From my experience I would ask how soon after the procedure you should start the Apixaban again. I started immediately and had a slight bleeding problem so needed to lay off the Apixaban for a few more days, then all was OK.
thanks for that advice I will ask about that as left to my own device's I would have wanted to resume straight away thanks very much
thanks for letting me know much appreciated
I stopped apixaban for a colonoscopy. They removed polyps at the same time. No issues. I guess if they do it at the same time it's done with. That was my thinking. Good luck whatever you decide.
I share your concerns, though having had one stroke four years ago and now facing a hernia operation, I worry intensely that stopping apixaban for that I will have another as a result. Especially with the stress and tension of an operation, and probably having to stop beta blocker medication too, I am beginning to think that the balance of risks is too high.
I too had a stroke 4 years ago. I've had to stop my ,AC twice for dental work, no issues whatever. Coincidentally I'm waiting for a colonoscopy appointment too. I'll stop my AC as I'd prefer one and done. Hope all goes well for you
do sorry to hear you had a stroke hope you recovered ok from it probably would have been better to do it all in one go but couldn't cope with worrying about coming of apixoban and worry of them finding something if they do find polyps or anything I won't be as worried about coming off apixoban as there won't be a choice I'm hoping bits just piles

It is quite common for the Consultant performing the procedure to make the decision regarding halting medication in advance. The decision is based upon the type of procedure and the bleed risk involved. If you are particularly anxious, please raise this issue with the medical team in advance to put your mind at rest.
For further information regarding anticoagulants, please download the 'Preventing an AF-related Stroke' booklet from the AF Association website:
If you have any other questions, or require support, please contact: heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
Kind regards
If it were me I’d be likely to stop the Apixaban on the first pass rather than have two colonoscopies. Better in my view that they are able to biopsy anything vaguely suspicious rather than have to search for it again in a second colonoscopy (or they might decide against a second procedure). How to strike the best risk balance may depend on your CHA2DS2VASc score (ie your risk of stroke without anticoagulation). Hope it goes well!
This decision is not for the patient, talking about risk of strokes without anti coagulant for this to be done. The withdrawal of Apixaban and others like this, is a normal procedure, we should all just rely on our medics for these decisions, there is very very little risk of Strokes due to any of coming off them for a couple of days. The risks occur and only slight ones, mainly during an episode of AF when the blood may pool, we are all given anti coagulants as a precaution. My cardio went into this in depth with me when first diagnosed, a lot depends upon the type of AF one has i.e. permanent of PAF type too. We should all try and not ovethink. Any problems and a patient off them and having a procedure is in the right place, i.e. hospitals,
I have had this procedure and even the colonoscopy can be dangerous i.e. making a tare in the wall of bowel, but if we all overthough things, we wouldnt get out of bed in the mornings would we. She will be fine, trust in the medical profession at these times.
I agree with your analysis, except that I do think it’s the patient’s decision (albeit on medical advice) whether to go for 2 colonoscopies rather than a single procedure.
It is very true that overthinking and catastrophising cause huge isuues for many.Many of us err on that side of a normal response, and need help reframing situations. This forum is very good at that and usually gives a balanced view
. In addition one has to bear in mind that a lot of people frequent forums because they have run into problems, so the over all consensus may be skewed somewhat.
hi Kelli, I’ve just gone through this procedure and they removed polyps, so I was pleased I’d come off the Apixiban rather than go through the procedure again, I’m due to restart tomorrow. Unfortunately there was a big one left so that will have to be removed by a doctor, so got to go through it all again. I’ve had no side effects from coming off the Apixiban, and I have taking it for some time now, so I’m sure the risks are very low. Good luck with the colonoscopy, the worse thing is the preparations a week before😁
hi nice to hear from someone who's had the procedure and is ok having come off the apixoban I realise if they find something I'll have to go through it again but am prepared to do this rather than risk coming off my apixoban if I don't need anything doing I know what you mean about the preparation as to the seven day diet my friend said the worst thing is that drink you have to take
I had to stop taking apixaban for 4 days prior to Major Surgery with no ill affects. They gave me an anticoagulant injection straight after surgery.It's normal to be concerned.
Everyone is different I come off apixaban on occasions when a cut to my skin takes too long to heal due to the anticoagulation with no problems
thanks that's reassuring to know
Apixaban although one of the strongest anti coagulants i am on this aswell, of course will have to be stopped for procedures that can cause bleeding. we even have to stop them a day or two before tooth extractions. Some days i even forget one of mine on occasion. if anything happened during procedure the worst would be if bleeding would not stop, so stop worrying, ata least you would be in the right place if anti coagulation became as issue which i am sure it would not be. Trust the people doing the procedures and please stop overthinking the what if's in life, we all sometimes do this but a waste of worrying really.
My brother had to come off apixaban for 3 days prior to having a bladder tumour removed with no ill adverse effects. He was worried like you.Having had a CT colonoscopy I wouldn't want to go through it twice when it can all be done on the first one (if they find anything). I think the preparation treatment is awful.
You are worrying unnecessarily. The 3 day gap is to give a chance for the Apixaban to decline in your system so as to make the procedure viable without too much bleeding. It does not mean that you have uncoagulated blood for the whole 3 days- because of the half life of the drug the levels decline gradually. If during the procedure any bleeding was caused it would be much worse on Apixaban and might make interpretation of the camera pictures more difficult. Lots of people here have come off anticoagulants for procedures and operations. It is standard practice. I am due for a colonoscopy in June and would not dream of maybe having to repeat the experience to have polyps removed given the awfulness of the prep. I came off for 3 days for my last hip op with no problems. I still had anaemia after the op and had to have a blood transfusion.
I echo the advice to talk to the medical team before you decide not to come off the apibaxan .
The risk of doing so may well be low compared with the discomfort of two colonoscopies in the hopefully unlikely event that they discover something they can treat immediately
You need to make your own choices of course but make sure you get the right info with which to make them
Good luck
I had to come off my anticoagulant for a procedure and actually had an episode at a high rate while off it. That did worry me as l feel safe while on my anticoagulant. I was fine though.
Everyone is on an anticoagulant for varying reasons. Stopping the anticoagulant and the risks associated with it are also individual. So be careful when an individual says ‘I stopped for x days and was fine’. You cannot compare.
For example, if recent diagnosis of a clot then should not stop until some good anticoagulation has taken place
In your situation the team will have been given guidelines to follow and 3 days should be fine if no bleeding post the scope, you may be able to restart that evening- but they will let you know
Good luck with your scope Xxx
Isn’t there a risk of injury for example nicking something even without polyp removal. Your Dr has agreed to this? Assuming you are in the UK so if you do have polyps will you be back on a waiting list for a second colonoscopy ?
hi. I had to come off mine for 2-3 days before an angiogram and I too was worried. However….I was assured all would be alright and it was. No problem at all. I got straight back onto it afterwards. Good luck.
I just had a colonoscopy last week, yes I came off apixaban for three days before and two days after the procedure neither up nor down and they removed 9 polyps. I am also prone to PAF and thankfully I was in sinus rhythm the whole time.
I had a umbilical hernia in 2021 which required emergency surgery. The surgeon wasn't worried that I was on apixaban with no time to stop taking it before the op. He said he'd deal with any potential bleeds. When I came round he wasn't quite so pleased that my bowel had ruptured as the operation was beginning....... and he'd ended up wearing everything I'd eaten in the previous few hours!
I have had to discontinue Apixaban several times due to upcoming procedures. I prefer the least amount of discomfort possible. I go for the fix it now, don’t wait button every time. I have seen a three week delay in a surgery become a fatal decision. Apixaban won’t miss you for a few days and you won’t reciprocate. Live life to its fullest potential while you can. It ends too soon on this side of the equation.
I was SUPER worried about it too when I was getting ready for colonoscopy...My doc had me go off apixaban 3 or 4 days prior...even though I'm in permanent AFIB. I did it, and had no problems at all. Totally understand your hesitation and worry...but you will likely be just fine for those few days.