I had my ablation in September. Just had my follow-up appointment this afternoon and the Doctor, who did my ablation, said it went well, my ECG was ok and he said I should come off the Sotalol tablets. I have been on these for a lot of years, so am a bit worried about stopping them. I had to stop them for 2 days before my ablation and my AFib started on the 2nd day without them. He says to stop them slowly. I am on 80mg twice daily, so thought I would reduce to 60mg at night for 2 weeks and then 60 mg in the morning for 2 weeks then reduce to 40mg at night, then 40 in the morning, as before , then repeat reducing dose to 20mg, then stop the evening one, then stop the morning one. It will take 3 months to stop them completely, but I figure it’s the best way to do it. I’m scared of the effects, it would be awful if my AFib started again. I’ve read some peoples experiences about stopping them, on here and I figure that stopping it in 20 mg stages over 3months, might stop the side effects. What do you all think. ?
coming off sotalol: I had my ablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
coming off sotalol

Hoping to do something similar with my bisoprolol soon. I don’t have an opinion for you but now you’ve created this post there’s a few Related Posts here for you to look at. On the right of this page or towards the bottom on a mobile.
Good luck.
Edit: Just realised one of them is yours. Try using the search bar for more mosts.
Thanks. Have been searching, but there’s not that much on here. The Doctor just said change it to 40 mg, in morning then evening, for 2 weeks and see how it goes and then stop evening dose then morning, but I’d rather do it in 20 mg stages.

Never been on sotalol but did reduce my drugs down over several weeks.
Hi There
Your plan for coming off Sotalol is exactly how I did it 8 years ago after a successful cryo ablation. It worked very well for me and no AF so far.
Good luck and hope it works for you too
Thank you. That’s really good to know. Hope I’ll be ok too. How many years were you on Sotalol before you stopped it.? I must have been on it for around 15/ 20 years now.
15 years as a PIP then 5 years "full time before my ablation.
Ok , so only on them 5 years every day. Don’t suppose it makes much difference how long you’ve been on them. Hope not anyway.🤞Hope I don’t get any problems stopping them, like you didn’t.
I used the same approach that you are planning and it basically worked for me.
After stopping the Sotalol completely it took a while for my body to adjust. There seemed to be exaggerated heart rates for any physical exertion except exercise which seemed strange. Also episodes of PVCs and SVTs. The cardiologist offered medication to help with them but I wanted to give it a full year after ablation.
It’s been three months since stopping the Sotalol and everything has calmed way down. So much so that I hardly even think about my heartbeat anymore.
Wishing you the best in your journey.
Thank you for that, it gives me hope I shall be ok, as I am very worried about stopping it. It says if you stop it suddenly, it can cause heart attacks or angina. Scares you to read that. How long were you on Sotalol for? I’ve had SVT since I was in my 20’s and then started getting AFib 10 years ago. When I had my ablation, in September, they found the SVT and ablated that, as well as the for the AFib, so I’m hoping neither return.
I took Sotalol 80mg morning and evening, for 4 years. Then 120mg for another year because it wasn’t working well anymore. Side affects were worse too.
The ablation last July was just PVI for the AFIB. The only time I get a short run of SVTs is if my stomach is upset or bloated now so probably vegal nerve maybe? Heart rate according to the Kardia was 214 but it gradually slowed down after taking some TUMs and drinking a lot of water.
I am trying to figure out and avoid whatever upsets my stomach. Part of the problem is being hypothyroid. It’s a work in progress …
Mostly, I try not to panic which is getting easier.
You will work through it.🙂
I’m on 80mg twice a day. My SVT gave me a very fast heartbeat. It usually stopped if I lay on the floor and put my legs up on the wall. Not convenient, in the middle of the High Street.!!! I did have to go to A&E a couple of times and they gave me drug which stopped in a minute, made you feel really awful for a few minutes after they gave it you, but it worked well.Can't remember the name now. It doesn’t work for AFib though. I used to get the runs sometimes and realised it was when I had onions, leeks and mushrooms, so I avoid them and I also take pro-biotics, which are supposed to help.My SVT didn’t have a trigger and AFib has started when I’ve had a virus, but at other times too, so can’t really avoid anything. Just hope they stay away now. The Doctor who did my ablation, has done over 2,000 of them, so was very experienced. Hope your ablation keeps your AFib away. Best wishes.Cath.
I would reduce it slowly in stages if I were you. Every time in the past when I stopped a drug I had been on for some time I had bad effects so now I always tail off slowly.
I too had an ablation last July and tried to reduce Solatol about 3 months after but had AF episode so went back to full dose and been told to try again but I’ve not braved it yet but I know I need to. I will do it really gradually though
I would think the slower titration would work better. I had to drop to 40mg for a week then stop. I started fluttering already when I cut to 40mg and worse when I stopped. Needless to say I am back on the 80mg twice a day, and I’m doing well.
Sounds like a good plan but keep in contact with your arrythmia nurse they are the experts. I was on sotolol for many years and was advised the body gets use to the drug and it probably wasn't really working anyway, if hardly at all. Most drugs after a while work less and less as the body gets use to them, hence the fact medication has to be changed periodically because it no longer works.
Thanks. I don’t have an arrythmia nurse. The Dr who did ablation, said to stop them. I was put on Sotalol, when my SVT was getting worse, must be 15 years or more ago and when my AFib started, nearly 10 years ago, they kept me on it. When they did my ablation, they found the SVT and ablated that as well as the AFib. Hopefully, neither will bother me again.🤞🤞