had successful cardioversion which lasted almost 2 years with the aid of flecainide ~ now back in AF and cardioversion arranged but amiodorone is to be used beforehand- I’m very put off by the side affects of this drug - am I over re- acting ?
amiodorone first time: had successful... - Atrial Fibrillati...
amiodorone first time

Yes it is just about the most toxic drug and being Iodine based many people have had Thyroid damage from taking longer term. The affects can be life changing.
HOWEVER - it is the most efficacious drug for returning and maintaining NSR after CV and sometimes ablation. You need to take a ‘loading’ dose prior to the CV and for a short time following to maintain NSR.
My husband started on Amiodarone in 2018, CV failed but he stayed on Amiodarone anyways and low and behold, 3 months in gradually NSR kicked in and apart from a few episodes here and there has maintained NSR for the last 6 years giving him a QOL he just would not have had. Now 90 he stays on a low maintenance dose. He has had minor damage to Thyroid so take minimal dose of Thyroxine. He is slightly more sensitive to sunlight but having spent years working in the Far East he already had skin damage so lots of sun block, keep covered.
Taking any drug is always about balancing benefits:risks. There is NO such thing as a risk free treatment and the choice is always yours.
Would the benefits of maintaining NSR for you outweigh the possible consequences of the risks?
Not every one gets the side effects from amiodorone and they don't always get them that badly either. I was on it for a short time before and after my second cardioversion and had no noticeable side effects - no skin burning in the sun - and I took it during a particularly hot sunny summer whilst building a shed and it was no problem. I had blood tests every month to monitor and check on the side effects and it would have been stopped had I had any bad side effects. Right at the end of the course after my successful cardioversion my thyroid level had gone up by 2 points but at the next blood test it was back down to normal. Other than that I experienced no side effects.
I didn't go on a loading dose but I think was on 100mgs right from the start. Best to check and discuss this with your cardio nurses and consultant - and check with GP about the monthly blood tests too.
hi I’ve been on flecainide for 3 yrs..no side effects or problems at all
I refused to take it, especially when l saw all the side effects. So they put me on the highest dose 150 x twice a day of Flecinaide.
I found side effects from Flecinide which I was on from 2013 to 2021 very difficult . I actually didn’t realize how bad the effects were until I went off of it. It was like having a new life! I had two ablations before Flecinide was effective, but eventually my AFib was too persistent so a new-to-me electrophysiologist switched me to Tikosyn. I didn’t seem to have side effects from it but it also couldn’t deter the AFib. In the end I opted for the AV Node Block which has given me a good quality of life with no anti arrhythmic or Beta Blockers. I understand Amirodorone does also have side effects. Unfortunately having AFib with symptoms isn’t easy or is it curable. Good luck. Keep pressing for the best quality of life you get for as long as you can.
Can I ask what side effects you experienced with Flecainide
Foggy mind, I had trouble concentrating when reading, so kind of gave up on reading, my walking was off as was reflected when I walked down the street in the snow, then turned back to see a distinct zig-zag path and my balance was also off. All of that disappeared as soon as I was taken off of Flecinide.