My 1 year anniversary is actually Saturday but I’m sitting in a church hall acting as a polling Clark for the police and crime commissioners election, I’ve been here since 6:15 am and will finish about 10:15 pm, that alone would of been impossible 12months ago.
There’s been highs and lows over the 12months. Getting over the initial surgery was easier than I expected. Everything was brilliant until Dec 2023 then wham AF hit, this was felt to be caused by pneumonia plus steroids and antibiotics. 2days in hospital followed , with them restarting apixaban and heart medication in preparation for a cardio version. After 4 days I reverted to nsr following a glass of wine. (I’ve never self converted in the past) 2 more bouts followed 1 in January lasting 7hr and 1 in March lasting 2 hrs both again on the back of chest infections.
Since March I’d stopped all heart meds and been great until about 2 weeks ago when I started to get funny beats and bumps a 48hr tape was done which showed some ectopic beats but nothing requiring any intervention. Last week the ectopics increase and Kardia was showing a range of readings possible AF, unclassified and nsr. Leicester who had seen the 48hr tape wanted nothing to do with it, and suggested that I contact Sheffield, therefore I sent Dr Sahu the Kardia readings, and the results of the 48hr tape and ask for his advice, all credit to him he responded even though he wasn’t obliged too. In the meantime my GP had prescribed 1:25mg of Bisiprodol. Dr Sahu agreed with this decision and stated that the readings showed atrial ectopics (his name for them) I saw the GP yesterday who looked at the most recent Kardia readings said there was no AF as P wave was present but there was pacs. He would like me to continue on the bisiprodol at 1:25mg to see if they settle and apixaban as although 90% of Strokes from Arrhythmia come from the laa 10% don’t. He also suggested that I go on how I feel not what the Kardia says. My heart rate is remaining between 54-70 even with the pacs. Previously withAF and Flutter it’s always been 120+
So warts and all do I regret my hybrid mini maze? not a jot, I feel well! I wish I was off all meds and blip free but im at least 95% better than before surgery.
My main regret in all of this is that My consultant in Leicester wouldn’t refer me to Mr Hunter and Dr Sahu in Sheffield, and now Leicester are doing their damnedest not to pick up my care.
I apologise for the lengthy post but felt it was important to give a balanced review of the last 12 months.
. Right only another 4 3/4 hrs to go then polling is done. If there’s any spelling, grammar errors I apologise I’m a little boggy eyed by now.