I have PAF, episodes maybe weekly but not lasting more than 5 to 10 hrs after taking Flecainide PIP.
Taking single lead Kardia readings, the normal profile is initial readings of “Tachycardia” (circ 115 bpm) dropping to “possible AF” (circ 85bpm) after a few hours and then NSR (62 bpm) after say 5-10 hrs. I would take 100mg PIP on first identification and sometimes require a 2nd 100mg after 3 hrs if not resolved.
I’ve always presumed the reading of “Tachycardia” @ 115 bpm is actually AF but that it doesn’t quite match the requirements of the Kardia algorithm as the trace does look very regular, far more regular than when it drops down to “AF”.
I will contact and forward my cardiac trace to the AF nurse, but in the meantime, has anyone else experienced this and if so do they have a definitive explanation? Is it possible to have Tachycardia that then slows to AF? Note this is the profile pretty much every time I have an episode. Or is it AF but not defined as such by Kardia?