Hi everyone
I am always interested to read other people’s experiences living with AF. We certainly have many variations in how the ectopic rhythms play out with different external and internal influences muddying the pool of symptoms and how we deal with it.
I am nearly 8 months post my first PVI when my EP also shut down some SVC triggers.
I am only now attempting to come off my drug combo (due to early AF episodes then multiple ectopics) which was verapamil, digoxin and flecainide. My resting heart rate is still 15-20 bpm above my preablation level which my EP says is not normal at this time after the ablation.
Before reducing the drugs, they mainly controlled the AF but still left me with some atrial ectopics and poor energy levels as my exercising HR was limited. So I feel more energetic now.
My current dose of flecainide is tiny- 50mg each evening. 2 nights ago I had a run of AF (kardia) when I lay down in bed with pulse varying from only 55-80 bpm. Getting up after 40 minutes Of it, and walking around, then deep breathing , seemed to trigger it to settle down and Kardia saying NSR so back to bed and 2 hours later still SR. I have had usual post AF heavy chest and tiredness since.
I am reluctant to increase my meds againand felt Flecainide would have just lowered my HR more so held off taking PIP at time of event.
My EP previously blamed my short episodes of palpitations on atrial ectopics saying they couldn’t do another ablation unless they can trigger actual AF.
Do many others get slow AF? I could understand it I was still on beta blockers or Calcium channel blockers. Or can atrial ectopic rhythms be so irregular to feel like aF and read as such on the Kardia 1 lead monitors.
Sorry to be so verbose.
Best wishes to all