Just wondering if anyone out there has experienced being in AFib for longer than a day? And does it revert back?
Usually I return to sinus rhythm If I’m only in AF for a few hours or a day but this time it’s been 4 days. Fortunately I don’t have any symptoms like I usually have apart from not being able to walk far without becoming breathless. Heart rate between 80-100 and it’s usually 130 plus this is most likely due to increased bisoprolol as I spoke to my arrhythmia nurse who advised to increase my bisoprolol up to a max of 10 mg per day but only on 5 mg at the moment as usually 1.25mg makes my heartbeat 50 and below when I’m in sinus rhythm.
I’m on a waiting list for my 3rd ablation .
Just scared it won’t return to sinus rhythm and I could be waiting months for an ablation.