Well its now 6 days since my 9 hour stay in Resus at Torbay hospital where I went unaware I had influenza A and secondly no idea I was in A FIB.. . After 10 mg of bisoprolol my heart returned to normal sinus rhythm.. I was released with 2.5 mg bisoprolol tabs to take as and when which I had one on Friday night as felt funny.. Touch wood now 5 days since really attack but I have no doubt my rhythm is erratic. Still getting over the flu so fingers crossed. So pleased to have found this sight.. I imagine I will be a regular as coupled with my general anxiety disorder I will be battling my fears.. It is great to hear such positive outcomes and I know the road ahead will be up and down.. It's called Life.
New to the AFib community.: Well its... - Atrial Fibrillati...
New to the AFib community.

Welcome aboard! There are all manner of posts some scary and some not but its important to remember everyone is different. I hope you find support and good information here from people
Welcome to our forum. You'll find lots of support here, so feel free to ask any questions and we always say that there's no such thing as a daft one.
I've enclosed some links to information booklets and fact sheets you may be interested in.
Thank you Jean I have been reading so much stuff about A FIB looking for it will be alright on the night type of news instead of giving into fear..
Will take a time to look at the links. .
How are you?
Hello and welcome. GAD is rotten and although AF isn't much fun until they find the right treatment for you, I found it more manageable than my escalating anxiety back then. It was a relief to have a physical explanation for all my weird symptoms that at that time (2010) were a real pain. All much more settled now and hope you will find the same in due course. You probably have already lots of anxiety reducing tools in your tool box which will continue to be useful, mindfulness and controlled breathing to name but two. Best wishes. Wendyb
Scary at first but truly you do get much more sense of perspective as time goes on that AF is a condition which can be managed. Lots of us have found comfort and support on here,and also that actually AF made us stop and look at what might have predisposed us to this..high bP,stress,overweight,too much vino or smokes ,not to mention dietary issue and over exercise,and by amending these,getting on anticoagulants for anyone with a CHAds score of over 1 (your medics will advise) actually makes us healthier than before!
Knowledge is power,and I see you have been pointed in the direction of the support info.
Best wishes x
Yes i have it since Sept 2018 and am very scared but finding this sight has help getting better with it now and life is getting better nice to chat on here

Good to hear from you. I find the busier I can make my mind the less I am worrying and trying to keep things focused in the day.. If I start using my crystal ball it gets very cloudy and rushing to end of days.. . life is a challenge but I hope this AF make me eat better, lose weight and more importantly reduce my anxiety. Dealing with the flu as bad enough so this was like the double whammy. Hope your day goes well. at least this Thursday I am not in resus..
I too had an attack of Afib after an illness (food poisoning in my case). The extreme vomiting brought it on, coupled with disturbance of electrolite levels due to fluid loss. Luckily normal rhythm resumed about 12 hours later. I was skiing in France at the time so was hospitalized in Annecy Hospital for 48 hours. I was shocked tbh and left with a ‘what the hell happened here’ kind of feeling as previously was fit and healthy. Anyway to cut it short I’ve been on 2.5mg Bisoprolol ever since that day. Never had a reoccurrence since. I just take the medication and get on with my life. My cardiologist said best stick with it when I queried staying on the medication seeing that in 2 years I have never had another attack, so I treat the med as an insurance policy....my resting heart rate is a regular 62BPM every day. All the best excop999.
Thank you Rosy really appreciate all the feedback it fills me full of hope. Hope life is treating you kindly.
Hi just joined this site like you I had AF episode 2.5 yrs ago following stomach bug. It resolved very quickly I was kept in A and E overnight . Cardio doctor confirmed it had been AF prescribed Bisoprolol as pill in po ket. Its never happened again , but I seem to get ectopic beats occasionally . Certainly leaves you feeling very anxious. Im 65 now so its been suggested I start blood thinners still thinking about this. I agree its such a shock my echocardio scan was normal. Im sure it was brought on by stomach bug.
I was diagnosed with AF back in 1992 I knew I had a strange heartbeat before that but my GP at the time said" Do not worry about it" So I didn't. I am a complicated soul with many conditions but I try not to get the AF to control me.
Be Well
Sounds rather like my road to diagnoses, minus the flu though. Keep positive and keep reading. Knowledge is power and can really help put your mind at ease. For every scary post you read there are far more that aren't.
My Husband had a TKR on choose & book at Mt Stuart all went brilliantly but 36 hours later his sodium crashed sending him into a seizure he was taken to Torbay Hospital to resus where they found it had caused AF ...his heart rate turned to normal within an hour and he was allowed home 24hrs later he was put on Bisolprol & Xarelto and has undergone all sorts of tests to which a couple of months still haven't heard a thing ....sometimes at night while reclining on the couch he has a little flutter that lasts a couple of seconds ....does this happen to anyone else please?