Thanks everyone who gave me the names of two good doctors in Texas and helped me to decide the best course of action for me. I went for PFA in Austin yesterday. So far so good, my heart feels good although I am still a bit wobbly from anesthesia (it was yesterday late afternoon). I looked at the guidelines that some one posted on one of my early posts and the new guidelines encourage ablation as a first line treatment in people like me. My goal was to try and kill the rogue cells early to stop it from spreading, so that I can go about my life without worrying about it, assuming it works! (90% success rate). I think I managed a quick afib episode whilst under and I was ablated in three places but a simple ablation for the doctor. PV, the rear walls and very small part of the Left atrial appendage. It took 60 mins or less. I was obviously terrified going in, especially as it was a 3pm procedure so I had a good part of the day to think about it. Also I was lucky enough to capture the full eclipse while in Austin.
Made a decision and had Pulse field a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Made a decision and had Pulse field ablation!!
A Total Eclipse of the Heart ? 🎶
Well done, best of luck with your recovery, take it slowly.
Best wishes
Glad you made the decision and went ahead and wishing you speedy recovery and everlasting NSR.
I had a pulse field ablation 9 weeks ago . No AF so far and I had it for the same reasons as you… catch it early whilst still proximal. I got over the procedure very quickly
It will be interesting to see how us Pulse Field pioneers fair and how successful they are.for the future.
Hope it all goes well for you
Are you in the UK? I am in the US and they only recently approved PFA but it is obviously much quicker and safer. I am on day three, just wiped out from it but overall doing well. So far I have minimal bruising-I think the IV line left a bigger bruise, I am pleased to hear it worked out for you .
Did the procedure help with your ectopics or do you still have them?
Hi Fuzzy
Yes I am in Nottingham in England.
I had to travel for a couple of hours to find one of only 3 Hospitals offering the Pulse field here. As far as I know PFA has been approved for a 2-3 years in the UK . I had to have a GA but the whole procedure was over in a couple of hours and I went home that evening.I was definitely a bit tired for a week if I did much … so I did nothing for 2 weeks… hubby waited on me hand and foot and then I was fine.
I am travelling around Italy for a few weeks at the moment and feel fine … only booked it after the 6 weeks demanded by the travel insurance company, and only as I am feeling up to it.
Having a few eptopics at night sometimes but I was told to expect that in the first few months and as I will see my EP in a couple of weeks I will be mentioning that .
My best advice is do nothing but laze around the house for a couple of weeks … just do what you feel you can for a couple of weeks after that.. and then hopefully you will feel stronger every day and be back to normal soon.
Best wishes to you and keep in touch