I have started to get flutters and funny beats again after having a good few weeks of calm. Does anyone else have these phases. Also just changed from Edoxaban to Apixaban whether that has anything to do with it.
Flutters: I have started to get... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Which anticoagulant is extremely unlikely to affect your AF. You have AF you will get AF I'm afraid.
Unless you have a Kardia or similar it may be difficult to tell what your "flitters and funny beats " are but you could try taking your own pulse and see if it is irregular or just missed or additional beats which may indicate ectopic activity.
Yes I have done that. It just seemed funny that I went for several weeks quite calm inside and now feel funny beats. Like after I had the Cardioversion . Just wondered if others have this.
Yes! Goes with AF 😕 You can try thinking whether anything out of the ordinary has happened but a twitchy heart is a twitchy heart ❤️🩹
AF has a mind of its own and doesn’t always have a reason to rear its ugly head. Have you been anxious about changing your anticoagulant? Anxiety plays havoc, as you must know. The anticoagulants all have different side effects. When l was first diagnosed l didn’t get on with them at all. I take Warfarin. I wouldn’t have thought the change would have caused your AF to worsen, but just see how you go. Only you know how you feel and know the difference from your previous drug. If you think it’s that, you can always ask to go back on Edoxaban. Good luck.
I always have a flutter here and there. When they become more frequent I start thinking about possible recent/current AF triggers. These flutters might have been the start or lead up to an AF episode if it wasn't for my medication preventing it from escalating. Only a thought though!
Good morning Myflowers2, yes I believe that some symptoms I get are flutters, although I’m not 100% sure. My heart feels as if it’s shaking and I can’t catch my breath for a few seconds. It also gives me a strange feeling almost as if a shock is running through my body. This only lasts for a few seconds but can occur several times a day. It also makes me feel faint. I am on Bisoprolol and Apixaban and have been for years. I don’t think I have had any problems with Apixaban but everyone is different, so maybe check with your GP. Good luck and I hope you can get it sorted soon.
It won't be the anticoagulant. These things seem to come in phases. My current phase has been happening for a good while, though, now. My Wellue AI ECG shows a range of ectopic beats, PAC, PVC, trigemini and bigeminy. The feeling is of palpitations in the chest and even in the head.
My GP recommends an extra 1.25mg of bisoprol. This helps but reduces my heart rate quite a lot, especially in the evenings.
Look up the York Cardiologist on YouTube he explains all manners of heart issues. I wish I had found his videos before forking out for a private cardiologist 😉
Thats how it started for me. I think its just a progression with this arrythmia thing. Now after a couple of years its almost a oermanents thing