hi. I have permanent afib and enlarged heart. I have just had my best fortnight since being diagnosed and put on meds. It would seem they have my meds right at last. I have been trying to keep my heart rate at under 120bpm and my resting rate is around 80-90bpm. However at times it shoots up to 140+ but I feel if it comes down quite quickly that is OK.......would you agree. At times I can feel short of breath and my reading will be away up but I have not actually been doing anything. This feels like flutters/butterflies in my chest just under my boots. Is this my afib or my heart when this happens. I am never sure which it is or us it all related. Xx
Flutters: hi. I have permanent afib and... - Atrial Fibrillati...

How long have you been diagnosed?
I took ill at end of January. I had my MRI last month and the permanent afib and non isheamic cardio myopothy were diagnosed at that time. I had a lot of problems with meds but currently it appears I now have correct dose and ones making me ill have been stopped. X
Oh that’s great news how’s your resting heart rate still 80-90?
Yes usually around 85 but occasionally it will shoot up for no apparent reason for example yesterday I had been sitting resting for around 30mins but I could feel 'flutters' and took heart rate and it was 140 I waited another half hour and took it again. It was very erratic and around 130. I took it right away again and it was 95. For the remainder of the day I had this fluttery feeling and it shot up again after tea when I was preparing soup for today...nothing strenuous! I try not to get anxious when it happens but don't get anxious when it goes up after exercising as it comes down quickly. Xx
Atrial fibrillation is a condition of the heart. Being the heartbeat. It maybe an idea to read up on this on the AF Association website. I also strongly suggest you to have look at the cardiomyopathy.org for all information re cardiomyopthy, which is the Cardiomyopathy UK website.
You are having flutters, thing is, I have had flutters for as long as I can remember, I have always missed beats in my pulse, and a few years ago my pulse raced up to 176!
of course it had to be at 4am! my husband rushed me into A&E, they put me on drips and wired me up to machines I sounded like a noisy Robo!, the next morning, they had to shock my heart, this bought relief all round, as my heart returned to its normal slow pace of 44!