I am scheduled this week for the pulse field ablation which has just been approved by FDA, 3 weeks ago. It has been used in Europe for 2 years. Just wondering if anyone has had it or has info on it. I have google but wondering about individual experience or knowledge.
Pulse Field Ablation: I am scheduled... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pulse Field Ablation

A few people in UK have now had PFA so hopefully you might get some answers. Recovery is said to be slightly easier than RF though at our Patients Day conference last October we were told that results were compatible rather than greatly improved.
Here's a link to some pulse field ablation posts on this forum:
My EP told us at a public talk that PFA is safer than previous forms of ablation because it is easier to avoid damage to the oesophagus and vagus nerve. Hopefully this will be available in my district soon too.
Wishing you very best of luck with your ablation.
My EP was really excited about the technology mostly because it helped avoid some of the more significant perils of the ablation procedure. That alone had him all for it..he's been doing ablations for going on 3 decades, and said this was the first jump in a while that had him excited. Those esophagus and vagus issues are not common, but deadly when they do happen...so i can see why EPs would love it, even if outcome stats stay the same as RF and Cryo currently.
Hi Psfrederick
I had the Pulse Field Ablation just over 3 weeks ago .It was a really easy procedure , with a general anesthetic. I went onto the ward at 10am, had the procedure at 12 and was back on the ward by 3pm and released home at 6pm.
It really is nothing to worry about and the results are excellent with minimal post op problems. I hope that puts your mind at rest. I have been fine since mine and no AF.
Hope it all goes well for you