Hi, it's #chinkoflight here with an update. Things are moving on. I'm in coronary care, and the evidence for my fainting whilst running story has now shown an arrthymia at the time of the fall, effectively stopping my heart functioning, leading to the drop in blood pressure and the syncope event. It's not common.Two consultants have expressed a view, the duty one saying pacemaker fitting the likely position by the end of the week. My consultant who had my LINQ loop ECG recorder fitted saying implanted defibrillator.
I'm one for trusting the consultants they do know there stuff, but I am also conscious there is so much still unknown so much intervention is " the best solution we have available now..".
Has anyone else faced this fork in the road under similar circumstances? How has it worked out? Any questions I need to make sure I ask. I'm reckoning this is going to be one of those whirlwind weeks and I've not caught up yet on my loss of sleep from 4 days in A&E!
Trying not to think about the impact of an indefinite driving ban on my life right now!
Looking for the next #chinkoflight