Hi all. So I have afib plus other problems with my heart. This year I've had 4 mini strokes. My last one was 8 weeks ago where I was put on Atorvastatin 40mg od. Which is okay apart from slight aching muscles. It's manageble and I don't really want to change them. I'm due to have a pacemaker after Christmas and a possible ablation which I will decline again as I'm having major problems with my blood. Has anyone found the pacemaker to work with afib?
At the moment I'm in complete bradycardia and my heart rate isn't going much over 50bpm, even with exercise.
My therapeutic range has been changed from 2-3 to 2.5-3.5 to try and stop my strokes. However this is now causing me to bleed from my gums and bruise more so I'm all over the place at the moment.
Has anyone else had strokes from there afib?
Thanks Sarah