Hi there, My appointment has finally come through after a 6 months wait. Which I don't mind because I was told this at the beginning, so expectations have been met. Is there anyone out there that has had one? I know it's like an 3cho and they inject a contrast. They are looking for a whole in my heart to see if this was the possible cause of my stroke. Just looking for a bit of reassurance really. Thanks in advance.
Contrast echocardiogram booked - Atrial Fibrillati...
Contrast echocardiogram booked

I had a pre first ablation procedure where they injected dye into me to see the structure of my heart. Cant remember what it was called want to say a cardio angiogram, but not sure.
There wasn't a lot to it. I was told to take a breath in and hold it for a while, thought I was doing that but they said I wasn't. I think they tried 2 or 3 times. There's only so many you can have at one time. When the dye goes through you get an experience like you have wet yourself. They will warn you about that.
Practice holding your breath in before you go. I'm actually quite useless at doing it but would practice if I ever needed another one.

Puzzled by the name as echocardiogram uses ultra sound so needs no contrast. Cardiac CT scan does as does angiogram. Quite different procedures but neither particularly onerous.
There is such a thing as Contrast Echocardiogram - new one on me too.
We live and learn Bob.
Please see my reply to Bob. Link explains exactly what it is and what will happen.
I've had one. As I understand it, the bubbles in the contrast fluid enhance the ultrasound echoes and give a clearer picture. Apart from having the usual procedure of having a cannula put in, I don't remember it being particularly uncomfortable.
Thanks Fred, that's put me at ease. Just the job. Thanks again x
I've had a few in the past, most recently early 2023. It's really no big deal. They'll inject you with the solution, you'll feel a warmness through your body (especially "down there"), you'll move partially through a tunnel (don't worry; head is clear of it), they'll tell you to hold your breath while an image is taken, and that's it. You'll feel fine directly after. I can understand your worries, as I first had, but it's a piece of cake.
I had a contrast sonogram done yesterday as well as a treadmill stress test done yesterday. The injection of the dye was administered through a pic line (like when one donates blood) and there was no pain. I could clearly see my heart pumping away if I turned my head to see the screen at an angle. The ECG screen showed my heart beats on 2 other screens which I could see while up on the treadmill. There was a lot of expensive looking equipment in that room. I had no reaction to the dye but I took some time to recover from the fast paced upward sloping treadmill.