I have purchased some Deep Heat muscle rub thinking it would help my aches and pains, but on the leaflet enclosed it states that people taking anticoagulants should not use it owing to the ingredients interacting with this medication. I take Warfarin. Does anyone know if there is a safe lubricant that l could use please? Happy New Year 2024 to everyone.
Can anyone help?: I have purchased some... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Can anyone help?

Best to speak with your GP or Nurse about the pain issues, recommendations, and the possibility of starting a Physical Therapy program Best to You !
I would add that it might be a good idea to speak to a good pharmacist especially as they are more accessible at the moment…….good luck
I was given an Ibuprofen gel which apparently is OK with warfarin for relatively small areas. For arthritis I would highly recommend Flexiceq gel.
Thanks Jalia for yoir reply. It’s for my knees so relatively small area.
When I was on Warfarin I used the gel on knees to help with osteoarthritic pain ( prior to knee replacement surgery ). However, I only used it in Gel form, not a cream. Ultimately it wasn't really effective and I had to turn to CoCodomol 30/500 tablets ... then came surgery.
These days my left shoulder ( quite well riddled in osteoarthritis ) is a major issue and I have just changed ( unhappily so ) from Warfarin to Edoxaban but I still only use the gel .... but very sparingly. I have no experience of the Flexiceq gel that Jalia refers to.
Hi Jalia,
In terms of the Flexiceq gel .... what rating do you use - i.e. 50g ? or are their other grades. I am thinking of using it on my shoulder - regardless of anticoagulants - I'm that desperate for pain relief now .... goodness knows when this rotten to the core Post CoVid NHS will give me an appointment, even a private appointment. Since you've mentioned Flexiceq gel, and since I'm desperate, I'll probably give it a try.
John, get Flexiceq Max. It's quite expensive but I found it a great help. Probably find best deal on Amazon unless local chemist has a special offer. Its a gel that is spread over the area, not rubbed in, and left to dry fir 10 minutes or so
. Do give it a go. Sorry you're suffering so much. Life's not much fun .
I have sciatica at the moment . I sent an E consult form to my GP on 27 Dec, had phone call from physiotherapist at my local hospital on the 29th Dec inviting me in for assessment tomorrow! Can't complain about that. Still waiting to hear from EP though after several months and 2 prompts from A&E and GP !
He probably thinks I've had my money's worth.....could be right!
Hi Jalia,
Right oh! Just ordered it ... here's hoping.
Gosh, that's quick for an E-Consult form ...... we'd be lucky to get that speed down here at the pointy end of Cornwall - even if Merlin waved his magic wand !! 😱😱 Good luck with the EP and I'm still waiting to hear about my private appointment for an Ultrasound.😢😢
Co you know if the Deep Heat with Arnica is OK - I've just been using a small amount on a sore thumb (too much computer typing I think) !!!!😂
What a nuisance but Wa.......... is the worst one (old) to watch out.
I have an off white 500mgs tub of rub it smells nice but unfortunately the label has come off.
Best to put rub on after a shower. But it was on Dr's prescription before AF.
The chemist would be the best person to OK it.
cheeri Joy. 74. (NZ)
I use magnesium oil spray, definately helps!
Thanks. I use that as well. Can’t take magnesium tablets as they upset my stomach, so it serves its purpose two fold.
happy new year.
I have severe arthritis in my knee. Prior to being diagnosed with af I was on naproxen (a strong anti inflammatory tablet). I had to stop once I was on blood thinners. I was told by both doctor and pharmacist that I could use the anti inflammatory creams on my knee whilst on blood thinners. Something about it not being digested through the gut. It doesn’t help me as much as the tablet form but it’s something.
Take care
Yes, thanks for that. I think from the response on here, it will be ok providing l use it sparingly and infrequently. There are so many restrictions with medications when you are on anticoagulants and you have to check everything. So many times l have been told “No.” We need help with other ailments and it’s very restricting.
Happy New Year Cavalierrubie. I have a dreadful problem with osteoarthritis of the spine and cannot take anti-inflammatories because I take Edoxaban. In desperation I took an opiate (prescribed by my doctor) when I last had a flare up but I vowed never again because of the side effects. I spoke to the local pharmacist who told me not to buy anti-inflammatory creams either because the skin absorbs the cream so I am stuck with the problem of finding pain relief for my osteoarthritis. If you or anyone reading this text has any recommendations other than opioids, I would be grateful to know what they are. Hope we all have a peaceful year ahead - love to all 🐝
well that’s another thing I have Learnt from this forum! I use Deep Heat all the time didn’t realize there was an issue with it, ignorance is bliss!
I’m just about to stick one of their patches on my shoulder, they are great, I use the cream as well but it is rather smelly.
I can’t say I’ve had any problems with using it, so will carry on when needed.
I too use the patches on my shoulder sometimes but they don’t feel anything like as warming as I’d expected so I’m not sure they’re really helping me! Do you find them good?
I have one on my shoulder at the moment, I do find them good and also quite hot, I have burnt myself a few times using them!
Thanks. Yes, l have been taught everything l know about AF etc. from this forum. It’s so helpful and reassuring.
My pharmacist suggested Tiger Balm, which reminds me that I’ve got it and could use it on my arthritis flare up. I think there are two versions and you have to have the right one if on anticoagulants - the red one.
Hi - I use DeepHeat. Getting older I have various dodgy bits that ache due to arthritis. I am on Edoxaban. Having had to give up aspirin due to the anti coags I refuse not to use Deep Heat and have been told that topical application is unlikely to affect my medication.
Another to try is Biofreeze. It chills rather than warms but is very effective - especially in the roll-on version. It is quite hard to get hold of but I buy mine from a well known site beginning with A!!
I use Fenbid Forte 10% ibuprofen gel on prescription from doctor been using it for many years with afib and no problems
Hi You should ask your doctor to prescribe something, that would settle your nervousness about using something and then hopefully get some relief. My own doctor prescribed me Etoflam several years ago and I have found it more effective than the over the counter creams.
Most of the benefits come from the massage not the other ingredients so you could use any lubricant. I'm a sports massage therapist and I'd suggest grapeseed oil but you could use olive oil,coconut oil, talc, lotions or even vaseline. Always massage limbs towards the heart rather than away. Hope it helps
Thanks, that is some brilliant information. I am glad l did a post now because l have had some great advice. You certainly have helped and thanks for your time.
I don’t agree with that , do you have deep bone needling screaming osteo arthritis pain? Massage is pleasant , only anti inflammatories if on blood thinners ask Dr Co codomol or at best Deep Heat or the other arthritis heat / freeze gels me Tim ex on this thread that works for them . It is not lubricants or its ingredients that help severe osteo arthritis knee pain ! Why do Doctors prescribe quite / strong medications as mentioned E g opiates and ibuprofen if only massage and lubricants work ? Ost ARTH is deep bone nerve pain not surface tissue . Heated electric knee wraps for hours Can help .
Deep heat contains 12.88% salicylate. In a 150mg tube that's about 12mg. Each blob you use will be about .1mg of active ingredient. Do the maths... It will make no difference if you are taking aspirin or even warfarin and besides it acts locally. My local pharmacy seems incapable of understanding Sime maths.
The only reason a warning is given is to pritect Pharma in case some idiot eats the whole tube!