I haven't had a flu jab for 10 years after a very severe reaction then last year, my 5th covid booster caused arrhythmia that last 3 weeks and came back again 2 months ago. After 4 days in hospital cardio said it was most likely from the booster so this time I have refused both. My personal decision, not influenced by anyone else's experiences. Yesterday I got a text asking me to fill in a very long questionnaire about why I had refused a vaccination. Sounds like they are concerned about how many people are refusing them. Anyone else received it?
NHS questionnaire : I haven't had a flu... - Atrial Fibrillati...
NHS questionnaire

No I haven't received anything asking why I'm not having this latest C booster.
In 2021 I had all the jabs Covid, flu and pneumonia. Then in 2022 I had all 3 of those illnesses. Not usually a person who gets any ailments.
My word that was a bad year. It's admitted that the flu jab only works against certain strains and they never know which one will be going round until it's too late to put out the correct vaccine. I doubt very much that the vaccines caused them ; they may even have made them less dangerous for you but i's totally your decision..
No I haven’t but interesting. I will have the flu jab but not the C.
I'm having both. Booster one today and the Flu one on the 14th. I will post if anything unusual happens.
All the best.
Have you reported your AF on the Yellow Card system?
From what I have read the rushed Covid vaccine has caused way above average side effects and so understandably vaccine scepticism has set in generally. I haven't had any C-jabs, I am not anti-vax but will only take one of any sort in the future after more research and careful consideration. Thanks to this Forum that reported AF problems early on I decided not to have a C-jab but have invested in a good nasal spray, a good gargle, Vit D & Vit C.
My brother developed AF after one C-jab.
Not sure who you are asking but yes I most certainly did report all ill effects. I'm not anti vax per se; I've had plenty. Just not those that have made me ill. The questionnaire felt as if it was trying to get people to say they were listening to rumours rather than refusing because of genuine ill effects.
No point in them asking if they don't listen to the answers. They've asked me several times why I wouldn't have the jab, same answer every time which clearly didn't tick their boxes.
Never got the jab and never will. I personally do not answer questions about my refusal to get the covid jab. Even though I provide no explanation there's still a code entered into my health record that identifies me as refusing. I suspect they'll try to use that against me at some point!
It's your personal choice. You shouldn't have to give a reason. NO one can force you. They talked about getting them made compulsory at one point during the pandemic but it didn't get beyond thinking. They couldn't do it. I do understand the panic with so many people dying. Everyone was scared but no Government can force vaccination on anyone.
You consider no job with no jab not being forced? Happened all over the USA.
Ummm.....not true. When I lived in the US (North Carolina) children could not attend school if they had not received the MMR jabs. And I believe it was mandatory over here (UK) for people working in certain fields....?
Dr. John Campbell a very prominent long time physician from the U.K. has some very eye opening videos on "you tube" where he is discussing covid and the shots. Very informative in depth observation from a well respected Dr., it'll make you think twice.
Will look if I can find it although I don't really read such things and am rarely influenced by them.
I have received all of the Covid shots, the last one being 3 days ago. I've never had any ill effects except for a painful arm the first night. Also had the flu shot two weeks ago, and again, so far, so good. I get the shots for my husband who has severe Asthma and is prone to getting Pneumonia. One cold could be the end of him, so hence, the shots. It is the least I can do for him after almost fifty years of marriage.
P.S. My Doctor suggested I get the shots as I have an ICD/CRT and Arrhythmia.
My GP actually suggested the opposite because he knows how badly I react and because they are pretty certain this arrhythmia was caused by the last one. My husband has had both of his. My cleaner rang today to say she's ill so she's not coming. She hasn't tested for covid but it sounds very much like it. I hardly ever go out so I'll have to take my chance. Everyone's different.
No, I haven't received any questionnaire - though I am receiving very persistent 'reminders' to have my Covid booster and Flu vacc.

Me too; a shame there's never any option to give a reason. They might learn something. You'd think they may find it helpful to know why some people have genuine reasons for refusing it. I'm not in any way anti vaccines unless they actually make you ill.