I had my flu jab on 15th September,three days later I was like a stiff statue..My whole body including all of my joints and muscle tissue hurt! I am not a lot better and yesterday I couldn’t walk up the stairs… could this be from the Jab. I have never had this reaction before.I feel as though I have been in a car crash! …Anyone else had any reaction like this?.
latest flu Jab: I had my flu jab on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
latest flu Jab
Getting ours and our Covid boosters this afternoon. Will let you know about any side effects. I rarely get anything. My wife has been getting the flu jab for a couple of decades now as she is asthmatic and once had a reaction like yours back in the early 90's. Other than that nothing.
I had mine 8 days ago and no reaction. It could be that you have picked up a virus and it’s a coincidence.
Hard to say, but you probably won’t know the cause of your joint and muscle pains. Hope you feel better soon.
sorry to hear that you won’t be having any more..But I have a covid Jab on the 12 th October so hopefully I feel better before then .
Wife and I had flu jab a week ago, same reactions. Quite sore , aching, stiff shoulder (jab site) overnight, bit spaced out next day, but all clear within 48 hours.
I just had my flu and rsv. I udially dont have any trouble other than sore arm but these knocked me over. Sprnt 1st 24hr in bed with low grade fever and chill. Also a lot of PACS no fib yet its 3rd day and only now feeli g better. Less PACS. not looking forward to my Covid vax in 2 weeks.
Oh dear. Mine next week. Hope you're soon recovered. Odd how sometimes they affect, and others do not isn't it? I had 4 COVID jabs and only a problem with the last one- set of my shingles - like you a felt rough for a while.
well to catch up today ,thanks for all of your responses.. I feel so much better today . Stiffness eased off.
Oh dear , hope you’re better soon. Had my flu vacc last week, no affects whatsoever. As said before you may have picked up a virus & it’s a coincidence.
So pleased I’ve had it early this year though, as last year was admitted to hospital with flu & I was fit healthy , no underlying conditions, 55yrs old. Then after the flu was when AF & all that it’s brought with it began .
Maybe it’s because they have added a new strain into the mix this year..In the long run I have never had the flu so it’s been worth it over the years.
Keep well🙂
One year I skipped my shot, got the flu, and was dreadfully ill. I know the shot doesn't completely prevent it, but, given how sick I was (which is complicated by a number of medical conditions), I make sure to get my shot every year - my side effects are barely noticeable. My doctor has me wait until October 1st, so this is the week. Given some of the comments here, I'll make sure I have nothing going on for a day or two afterwards.
had mine on Tuesday together with Covid jab so I’ll effect bar a couple of sore arms
never had a 'flu jab as it's always a year out of date to the current strain !
I had my flu and covid jabs into the same part of my left arm, one straight after the other. That was 9 days ago. The soreness didn't come for a couple of days. But hives did! Huge itchy lumps that were seemingly at random, but have taken a week to begin to go.I can't really tell if it had an adverse effect on my AF as I have very symptomatic permanent AF. I only have digoxin and diltiazim to try to slow the rate down (it can often be around 130 to 180) my cardiogist stopped flecanaid last Oct so no rhythm control at all.
Never had a flu jab (or for that matter a Covid one due to possibility of upsetting my AF remission). Possibly had flu 20-30 yrs ago, occasionally get a normal cold lasting a couple of weeks. Do continue to focus on improving my diet and all other wellness factors.
I was already losing faith in the regular medical system and what I have read since Covid has just increased the lack of trust. Vaccines and their constituents in particular.
Poor you! Hope you have reported your dreadful reaction to all concerned with the administration of the jab.
My husband and I both had neurological reactions, plus other serious reactions. Some did not appear right away but months later.