81 yr old husband got covid at physical therapy, ended up at er where they said he also had pneumonia, they also found (and removed) a quart of fluid from around his right lung. Said he had atrial fibrillation and he also needs an angioplasty. Took too long but finally got everything treated and surgery done.
He has always had lower than normal blood pressure and it can change rapidly from scary low to his normal low in minutes. He's type 2 diabetic and takes metformin and glipizide for it.
After the surgery we have been having a hard time with really low blood pressure, like 105/30 and up. He was in icu for 2 weeks after surgery as they tried treating it with midodrine which doesn't seem to be helping. Surgeon decided he was lying down for too long (3 weeks at this point all told) and shipped him to rehab except he's not getting any rehab because his blood pressure stays so low he can't hardly hold his eyes open most of the time. He can't stand up, hell, he's too tired to eat. Their solution is to keep on doing what hasn't been working. Yesterday I convinced them to stop the Lasix and metformin since they're checking and giving insulin when necessary 4x a day and a side effect of it is lowering blood pressure. Today he was 90/45 which is better than yesterday but he still just wants to sleep. I'm at my wits end here. This man hiked 3 miles in Texas in June and today can't stand up. Any and all suggestions most welcome and if anybody knows of a really good doc that specializes in this kind of thing in the Raleigh area, please share. I would be willing to take him anywhere but right now I'm don't think I could get him on a plane