Is it still okay to carry on taking anticoagulants if been unfortunate enough to contract COVID ? Just concerned about the effect of COVID on lungs causing possible bleed ? Airing on side of caution in case of........feel stuck between the devil and deep blue sea on this one folks.
COVID v anticoagulants: Is it still... - Atrial Fibrillati...
COVID v anticoagulants

Under no circumstances stop anticoagulation. In fact maany people treated in the early days were given them to prevent clots forming.
I had C- - - D last year and was pretty poorly with it but I still carried on with my Warfarin as usual which didn’t seem to cause any problems. To be honest, I didn’t even think about not taking Warfarin as I know how important it is to me.
Natural to be nervous of anticoagulants when you first take them, we all go through a learning curve, you will learn that the side of caution is to be taking them. Covid can trigger AF episodes and your anticoagulant is your friend. Get well soon.
YES - COVID. Can cause clots so some doctors are saying anticoagulants help prevent COVID complications. As very little is yet known about this new strain I would continue unless advised otherwise by a doctor.
I would have ne fears whatever about continuing with warfarin, but do keep an eye on the INR and let your surgery know that you have tested positive. I only say this since a friend caught covid in December 2021 and it upset his INR readings for several months. This meant that he had to adjust his warfarin regularly to compensate and, at one point, had to take heparin on top of the warfarin.
This also shows that covid can be a complex illness, even if, for most people, it is no worse than a mild dose of the flu.
For many people it is significantly worse than a mild dose of flu. This "it's just a cold" narrative is unbelievably dangerous.
Indeed it is and I didn’t mean to even hint otherwise. One problem is that, for many people, it is very much like a bad cough and cold or a mild flu. In fact, many people will hardly know they have it and walk around giving it freely to others, a few of whom will get it very badly indeed.
Luckily, for most, the severe form, when the immune system itself is overwhelmed by the disease and so requiring emergency hospital treatment (i.e. “ARDS”) is now a thing of the past thanks to people either having had their vaccinations or having had the illness itself.
Yes I had Covid in January 21. Omicron then. I was shocked as it developed into nothing more than a bad cold. Not even the worst cold I’ve ever had. But I was treating with FLCCC protocol so I was over it in 4 days. My partner just tested positive yesterday and his is a terribly stuffy cold and he is fatigued beyond measure. I put him on the same protocol I used (I keep a stash at all times) so we will see how he gets along. Some people do, though, get very sick. Maybe immune system has something to do with how sick a person gets? I don’t know since we are all different.
Thank you for reply with yourself, sincerely hope your partner has a speedy recovery
The reason why some people get severe covid-19 has fascinated me since I first learned how it affects certain people more than others, especially those over 60, and younger people with diabetes, kidney disease, certain heart conditions and hypertension. It seems no one still yet knows the answer, except that covid is worse in people with the most ACE2 on their cell surfaces, and that enzyme is linked with the immune response and the inflammatory processes of the body - as you suggest. It's a fascinating area.
Had Covid twice in the last year albeit just like having a heavy cold and took Apixaban the whole time. Never thought about it - hate taking it but the alternative ....
I’ve been on anticoagulants for 4+ years now as I have PAF. Caught Covid last month, other than feeling terrible with Covid itself, been vaccinated 3 times, I had no effects related to the anticoagulant ( Edoxaban).
Oh wow, thank you for all comments, most helpful. Ignorance was not bliss. Heaps more confidence today which way to tread . Really can't say " thank you " in a big enough way
I would not alter any medication without discussing with a doctor.
I was put on an anticoagulant (Edoxaban) for PAF. It has now been removed as my treatment plan progresses. It is not uncommon to be anxious about this type of medication, I certainly was when it was initially prescribed. I soon found you learn to accept and live with it - ok you do bruise a little easier and any cuts bleed a little longer but from my experience, there was no significant issues. I even continued lead rock climbing (with the risks of falling).
I have had 2 covid infections, one prior vaccinations, the other post; both while being anti-coagulated - the medication never entered my thought process. The first bout was unpleasant but I encountered no ill affects because of the anti coagulation. The 2nd infection was much milder in comparison.
AAJJTt.......thank you for reply ...oh wow, lead rock climbing ????!!! So there is life during anticoagulants 🫠🧗confidence now doubled 👍
Just happened across this article (from two years ago) since I am on eliquis and have a scratchy throat since yesterday: Possibly of interest.
Thank you, article makes interesting reading to say the least. Appreciate the thought too
I had a nasty bout of Covid a couple of months ago and I took Apixaban the whole time I had it because I was in and out (mostly in) of AF during it. I don't normally take an anticoagulant (my choice) but do take it when I have an episode of AF.
A question for your doctor for sure. But like many others, I had Covid recently and stayed on my anticoagulants as well.
Lovetogarden....thank you for reply....all helpful
I would suggest that you look up the many times clots are formed in those who took the jab. You should never stop taking blood thinners you have been subscribed by doc.
Nursingirl...many thanks. Yes hve done...learnt more in 24 hrs than ever. New to all this, panic drawers wasn't in it lol. Grateful to all for various views. It's a case of accepting, understanding and realising sheer importance of anticoagulants rather than fearing bleed. Reading side effects left me terrified but hey......the alternative would be worse. Thanks once again for comments
I would have peace of mind on anti-coagulants for both Covid and the Covid mRNA vaccine.
Secondtry.....after reading and digesting all comments "peace of mind" /"reason "has hit top of the list. Thank you for your reply