I am a 78 old male with PAF. I take Eliquis, Flecainide and Bisoprolol. In these times of Covid a GP suggested to my son, who has no PAF, to take Lactoferrin as a preventative. I would like to take it as well, but I cannot find information on interactions between Lactoferrin and anticoagulants. Has any fellow sufferer taken it? Does anybody know about any research on the subject?
Lactoferrin and anticoagulants - Atrial Fibrillati...
Lactoferrin and anticoagulants

Thanks for mentioning this supplement, sounds interesting, I guess one of the benefits of buying raw milk from a reputable source. Sorry no info on it.
I’ve never heard of it so looked it up. There are some scientific papers looking at how it works in the body and as far as I could tell, my chemical knowledge is too limited to fully understand the implications, it may interfere with thrombin which of course is what the DOACs target. There are no conclusions and no recommendations but what I took from that is that it may increase the efficacy of DOACs??
It seems to be untested and unproven and used mainly in pregnant women with iron deficiency and it may help with certain infections but that’s unproven. It does have some interesting qualities regarding inflammation so I wonder if that is the reason for your son’s GP to recommend?
Wonder if anyone else will reply as I would be interested. I also wonder if this is a recommendation against developing AF or just to boost the immune response against COVID?
Where does your son live as I note you are in Italy and my experience of Europe is that doctors in France, Spain and Italy are much more likely to embrace nutritional and complementary therapies.
I just recently read about Lactoferrin taken with Benadryl as “possible” combative for Covid. Type that into a search engine to get study and reports. I say read with one eye open, however. Yet, I take Organic Colostrum, so guess that helps.