the Eliquis is costing me $ 140 each month. I’m just wondering if Edoxaban is cheaper?
price of Eliquis versus Edoxaban - Atrial Fibrillati...
price of Eliquis versus Edoxaban

Hello, I assume you are from the US. I have no idea about the prices for medication over there but here in the UK, there have been attempts to encourage NHS patients to change from Apixaban to Edoxaban because they are cheaper. Not much help I’m afraid …….

Very interesting! When I saw gp recently re my Apixaban dose he suggested I could try edoxaban. When I asked what he knew about it eg side effects etc he said he didn't know anything except it was an anticoagulant. So now I find out it's cheaper! Mmm......
Quite a few threads on this over the last 6 months. My Apixaban is now a generic so the cost issue shouldn’t be an issue, I have no problems with the generic Apixaban which is the solution in UK but from what I have read, there still is no generic in US.
Here's an article that explained the switching.
You might need to join Medscape to read the article, but it's free, and I've had no follow-on issues after joining. Highly recommended reading.
PS. (i) Many Forum members do report positive experiences with Edoxaban, and any switch should be in consultation with the patient, not as an imposition.
(ii) There does seem to be a generic Apixaban available in England now, and this would affect some of the cost arguments in the above article.
(iii) So the switching could well already be past its "best before" date.
Thx. Going to pursue this drug
Do you mean Edoxaban? If yes, here's some recent German research that seems to give Edoxaban the best results of all DOACs and warfarin re stroke and bleed risks ...
This article contradicts the seeming usual positive bias towards Apixaban, but is only one study. Definitely worth reading!

Thx forbyourvreply
2nd Gen anticoagulants are pretty expensive. Wafarin is practically free (5mg year's supply is about $25-40) . But you need blood tests to determine what your coagulation is.
If you eat a consistent amount of green veggies your INR would become stable and a lot of people test monthly.
I self test with an at home tester. I buy the test strips on eBay for $5 each 48 at a time. . I test once a week and its still only $260/year. I bought the tester on eBay for $120. I have been doing it (under my doctor's supervision) for 8 years.
So that's $300/year plus the tester. If money is a problem check out eBay and talk to your Dr. Its Coaguchek XS Meter and INR test strips.
So over 8 years I've spent $2,400 + $120 for the meter vs +$13,000 for Eliquis.
Plus the antidote is vitamin k2 or a bunch of spinach. Not $25k if there is one available.
Some health plans (like Kaiser) will give you the tester and a weekly supply of test strips if you ask.
I might go on warfarin because Eliquis made me itch too much, also too *!! expensive, but hesitated because my ex-husband had to go for coumadin checks all the time and I live out of town. I appreciate your post about it. Thanks.
Wafarin and at home testing is the way to go. You need to ask for it.
Look on YouTube under Coaguchek xs training video. They show you how to set up the meter and how to do the tests. If you think you can do it you are in a good position to convince your Dr.
I am in the USA and Eliquis was costing me between $180-$600 every3 months. Switched to Xarelto and it is only a tiny bit cheaper. I now buy it internationally for $70 per month. Go on and look up your medication. I’ve been very happy getting my Xarelto from Turkey.
Interesting. Looking into this thx
Not a fan of buying critical medications such as apixaban on line from unknown sources. And with a DOAC there is no test for efficacy. As far as switching to warfarin, it is controversial in terms of dangerous bleeds and efficacy compared to DOACs. Eliquis has worked well for me and there is lobbying that may result in approval of cheaper apixaban. I would discuss alternative cheaper DOACs with my cardiologist. Some cheaper generics have just been approved by executive order, but the new pricing will not go into effect until 2016. Best, etheral
ps..I am on Medicare part D which costs me $5,000 a year in the donuthole for all my meds. Even with am inexpensive anticoagulant I would max out and still spend the same out of pocket.
I don't know about Edoxaban, I haven't checked it out as I get Eliquis -a 90 day supply for $60.00 here in the States. The price you're quoting seems awfully expensive - terrible to hear. There are sometimes coupons and deals provided by the manufacturer to bring down the cost. You might want to look into that possibility. Good luck with finding a more reasonable price.
Our prices in the US are all over the place aren’t they. My eliquis charge is about $30 month. So sorry yours is so pricey.
Did you see the news today that the US government has put out a list of drugs that they’re going to negotiate for lower Medicare prices. Eliquis is the #1 drug! Maybe there’s hope!