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travel insurance nightmare can anyone help?

Nodoubt2 profile image
20 Replies

so I am away on holiday and my current travel insurance company have decided - on the day after my leaving for Spain that they will not continue to cover me for my existing heart condition!

background - I was admitted to hospital with a severe AFib attack early July and have therefor made a claim with staysure(as yet they have not paid) . I spoke to them 2 weeks ago to update my meds with them since my consultant has doubled my dose of Nebivolol and Candesartan and has started me on Flecainide. At that point they said they would need to refer it to the underwriters . I assured them that I do t have a new condition it’s just a change of meds - regardless they said it needed to be referred. I spoke to them on the sunday they said they would come back by the Friday latest. I advised them of my departure date only 5 days later .

They did not come back to me on the Friday I phoned to chase them and they said it had not been referred - the handler had failed to pass it through and they would now do so. I said that wasn’t good enough with an imminent holiday I needed to know if I was covered before I left. They said they would mark it as urgent.

On t he Tuesday I tried to call them and then sent an email saying I was assuming I had cover

Since I was flying the next morning and no one had bothered to come back to me

I received a voicemail message on landing in Spain and an email later that afternoon to advise me that I was no longer covered for the Pre existing medical conditions!

To me this just doesn’t seem legal? And I now have a situation where I am abroad without cover . They have agreed to cover me till Wednesday and wish me to return home early from holiday ( I’m due to be here for 4 weeks and we have various family members coming out to stay with us)

is this legal?

what can I do?

I honestly don’t believe any company will now cover me since I have already started my holiday?

if I flew home and back again would I then be able to get insurance ?

I feel fine but obvs can’t guarantee I won’t need medical Assitance - that’s why we have insurance !

if I were to have a stroke the cost could be huge so don’t feel I can risk it.

I feel what Staysure have done is gross incompetence and don’t see why they are asking me to curtail my holiday when they should have come back to me before I left for holiday , when I could have done something about it.

Does anyone out there have any legal training? Should I jist go back saying they are in breach of contract ? Suggest I will go to the press ?

At the end of the day I am shocked that a company of their size can do this to their clients

can anyone recommend an insurance company that might cover me ? ( I have pAF, CHD moderate, hypertension and asthma)

many thanks in advance

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Nodoubt2 profile image
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20 Replies
meadfoot profile image

So sorry you are having this upset. It all seems a terrible mess. One thing for sure none of this stress is helping your physical or emotional condition.

If you stay abroad until your scheduled return have you taken what now replaces the former EHIC card. Would that give you basic cover if in need.

It wouldnt repatriate you in an emergency but is better than nothing maybe until you can get some insurance sorted. As you feel well staying calm is so important so as not to trigger any episodes, not easy I know.

I honestly dont know the legal situation with Staysure given your fairly unusual experience this time but it all appears to have gone awry badly so hopefully you have some redress there. What a mess for you and so hope you can stay well to enjoy some time away safely. Best wishes.

Nodoubt2 profile image
Nodoubt2 in reply to meadfoot

Thanks for your kind words and yes I do have the card with me that replaces the EU card - I think it doesn’t cover all medical costs but may google that today to find out more about it p

BobD profile image

Above my pay grade but suggest you contact the insurance ombudsman.

Nodoubt2 profile image
Nodoubt2 in reply to BobD

Will do p

What you are saying is very concerning, particularly as you seem to have upfront about changes in your medication. Unfortunately, travel insurance can be a minefield and very often, we don’t know we have a problem until we have a problem! My neighbour had a similar problem with Staysure due to the fact she had to have a hernia operation a few weeks before leaving for a cruise which is perhaps not surprising. However, apparently there were also told that they were no longer covered for pre-conditions. They were subsequently told this was a mistake and from what they have told us, Staysure have confirmed they will be fully covered despite the recent surgery which seems extraordinary.

I know they escalated their concerns and insisted that they spoke to someone in authority and no doubt, you will do the same. Certainly make it clear that you will do everything within your power to seek a resolution to your problems and maybe see if there is an Ombudsman facility which might help.

I really hope you get it sorted, my wife and I are also insured with Staysure!

Nodoubt2 profile image
Nodoubt2 in reply to

Thanks some good advice appreciated p

Sixtyslidogirl profile image

The insurance company sounds shocking, but I had to investigate this for myself and was much reassured by assessments of the Spanish healthcare system which is widely regarded as pretty good and probably much better than the NHS at this point. You would just need to think about repatriation should you miss your flight home as a result of a hospital stay. So hopefully you can relax and enjoy yourself.

Nodoubt2 profile image
Nodoubt2 in reply to Sixtyslidogirl

Ah thanks so much for this. I’ve found this really helpful and sounds like I will be okay. My only worry now is if I have a stroke….. the cost of repatriation would be v high but hopefully that’s not something that is likely to happen

Speed profile image

EHIC will cover you for emergencies BUT I believe you MUST ensure that any treatment is through their state hospitals and not private. I understand that the private sector in Spain is more prominent than in the UK and is not just for elective treatment and so you could get taken to one in urgent cases / emergencies. There may be the presumption that as a UK citizen you have insurance and so doesn’t matter which hospital you are taken to. No personal experience, just picked up from consumer champion pages of newspaper.

kkatz profile image

I had a similar problem with staysure but not as drastic.I advised them of waiting for CV this was a couple of months before renewal so didn't think a problem with renewal.Then told 3 days before that non of my existing conditions would be covered.I believe I emailed but I may have phoned.Say you wish to make a formal complaint & will take it to the ombudsman. Unfortunately both are not immediate solutions.I spent 2 years without cover but my consolation was that even with the insurance I would receive the same treatment in the same hospitals.I holiday in the Algarve.Meanwhile ask to escalate the problem. Say you wish to make a formal complaint and ask that they cover the existing holiday & push for cover for your planned holiday.

Be careful on your holiday but don't let this ruin things.Avoid triggers.For me it would be too much alcohol & very big meals.

Try not to worry too much.

Crystalbowl profile image

I had problems with Staysure a few years’ ago when I was hospitalised in Madeira. They were phoning me every day to say they weren’t going to pay. It was extremely stressful at a time when I least needed it. However, they did pay up in the end but you have to put pressure on them. Your situation is horrendous. Sorry I can’t advise but hope someone can. Hope you stay well and get to enjoy your holiday.

Omniscient1 profile image

Sounds like it's time we all avoided Staysure then?

My interpretation is that they are in a contract when you paid them, but they allow them and you to vary it (the contract) by asking (not unreasonably) to be informed if anything changes - e.g. your meds. But, they blew it by not handling it in a timely manner, despite being warned of dates. Had they done so you could have gone elsewhere (and claimed a refund) Some other company (the people you will use next time, whoever they will be) would have picked it up.

As you have travelled and presumably are 'benefitting' ha ha from their loss of baggage, late flight, early return ...., insurance they may weasel out of giving you a refund. As others have said, start an ombudsman process, I might also mention this on twitter(X) copying in Staysure, bad publicity often has an effect. Last resort, there are many travel law specialists who handle this kind of thing, you might get some free advice from one of them. Best of luck and through it all, try and enjoy your holiday, Gary

2learn profile image

As well as ombudsman which will take a long time you could try Which, Citizens advice, or consumer champions in various papers, even local radio and press. They can sometimes embarrass companies to do the right thing. My impression is you have a legal case as it is their negligence not yours which has caused this situation. However, nothing maybe a quick fix and it takes time and causes stress to fight, something companies rely on knowing most customers won't bother. Trust any insurance company as far as you can throw their chief ex.

Maggimunro profile image

i have heard not so good reports about Staysure from my friends.

Don’t forget you will have your GHIC card and a certain amount of cover with your credit card.

Nodoubt2 profile image

well well well

A little pressure and the threat of taking it to the national newspapers and looksee what is now being offered!

Further to our conversation I can confirm that in recognition of the delays experienced the following has now been offered to you in full and final settlement:

· Cover will now be extended until 11:59pm on the 19th September 2023, which includes cover for pre-existing medical conditions.

· £150 compensation as an apology for any disruption or upset caused.

As discussed, in the event you need to make a claim please contact the relevant claims telephone numbers as normal. However as Staysure will be liable for any claims, you or a family/ friend must also notify myself and Sophie Davis via email of any given situation as soon as possible.

Please respond to this email confirming you agree to accept this in full closure of the matter, without escalation internally or to a third party. Once confirmation has been received your account will be noted and cover will continue as normal for this trip.

Once again I apologise for any inconvenience or upset the matter has caused, I trust this is a suitable resolution.

Thankyou to all for your help and advice and support very much appreciated . I will still post after all this is sorted on social media since it’s disgusting how they have treated me and I Wouldn’t want others to have to suffer this kind of stress


JeanetteH profile image

Thats great.Travel4medical were the cheapest for me on a comparison site.Staysure refused cover for me when I was put on a waiting list for a pacemaker altho my condition was the same and the procedure was after my holiday.Ive insured with All Clear in the past but a recent quote has high excesses as Ive been in A&E 3 times this year but they say they cover all conditions .

Nodoubt2 profile image
Nodoubt2 in reply to JeanetteH

Hi Jeanette

Interestingly I’ve done on online quite today with travel4medical and they work out about half the price of Staysure! So looks like I will be able to get a refund from Staysure and save myself some money with them. Crossing fingers it goes through smoothly. Interesting that they wouldn’t insure you either when your medical condition hadn’t changed either . They have some odd ideas I think

Bagrat profile image

Pleased you are sorted and can relax and enjoy your break.

jd2004 profile image

I can’t really advise but I was just about to sign up for a policy with the company concerned and will not now do so. I don’t want insecurity such as this on holiday. Thanks.

Nodoubt2 profile image

I’m glad it’s helped you - they have been a total nightmare p

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