Hi all, I recently bought the Getwellue ECG 24h device and I'm starting to use it. How would you interpret the circled area of the ecg picture which I recorded during sleep? Is it just an isolated faster heart rhythm and then going back to 50 beats/min, which is my resting rate? The device software is anyhow reporting evthg ok. Thanks
ECG interpretation: Hi all, I recently... - Atrial Fibrillati...
ECG interpretation

It looks like a short burst of tachycardia in the middle of normal sinus rhythm - the fast beats also look like sinus rhythm, if slightly faster.

Think the trace is upside down. Are you holding the device correctly?
Yes, I followed the instructions and checked twice because i was also surprised when i saw the strange pattern; looks like the R wave is not captured. Btw, this was taken with electrodes while when I use the chest strap the R wave is visible. Who knows…
If it was upside down it would indicate inverted T waves
Overall it looks like poor R wave progression but this is my 'amateur' guess.
Possibly caused by misplaced electrodes. Check it on an alternative ECG device if possible or try re positioning the electrodes Usually R waves are small measured on the your R.H side of the heart and get progressively larger as you move around to V5 on your left.
Probably a chest strap will only detect V1 area which if so, would make the apparent lack of R wave normal.
Circled area looks to me (again unqualified opinion) like a short burst of tachy
what lead is it?
just ignore it. It was an episode of SVT of 6 beats. Everybody has it.
With the trace looking like its upside down, I believe the trace is correct, and very similar to mines. I can see from the data, this trace was taken at 07:00, so guessing you been a sleep.
The trace I have on my wellue ecg, especially when a sleep, is similar to yours
looks like a short run or ‘salvo’ of 8 or 9 beats rather than 6. Looks a bit more irregular than atrial tachy. Most likely a run of ectopics but hard to be definitive with just one lead.
Yes, as others say, this looks like a brief burst of faster NSR rhythm. You could have been having a frightening dream, maybe?
I like the Wellue and its detailed AI report but the ECG trace it gives did look very different from the smoothed one the Kardia I used to use showed. I struggle to use the Wellue chest strap unless I am remaining still as it tends to move too easily because of the shape of my chest, I guess. I use the electrodes mostly.
For rhythm abnormalities, the software gives an example of a short section of ECG as a visual example of all the different things it finds at the end of the report. I guess this wasn't shown as it was faster but still normal rhythm.
Thanks Steve. Right, it wasn’t deemed abnormal. I just found it by chance as i was quickly browsing through some pages of the ecg. This trace was done with electrodes provided in the bundle with the device which I applied following the picture i pasted above. I ordered now some new electrodes which maybe are better. With the chest strap i get a much better and clearer trace (i paste an example here). Strange thing is that if i instead use electrodes and place them in the same place as they stay with the strap, i get an upside down ecg. But i just got the device and still learning it more and more. Thanks again.
I’ve only used the Wellue touch screen device recently as my heart has been acting better than when I went for the 24-hour one. I’m going to give it a go though and post the trace I get to see how it compares with yours.
I find the electrodes fine and bought some others which are easier to get off. I find I need to remove a few chest hairs!!
The Wellue app along with the ECG recording tells you everything down to the minute. So look at the data on the left and it will tell you.
Unless you’re feeling extremely lousy, and reaching out to your doctor, try not to immerse yourself in this or anything. That is the advice I was given even about my oximeter. I was becoming obsessed, and my doctor said that in itself can cause fluctuations because of stress. Just like the new blood sugar monitors that you wear, your BS can also go up and down so easily. I can have a 60 resting heart rate yet by the time I get up and get to the kitchen and get my coffee on etc. it can be in the 70s, that is normal that is what normal people have happen also