Hi everyone. I am new to this forum, my history being a F73 and have had very symptomatic PAF since 2015 and was put on Sotalol, Pradaxa and amlodipine for BP. In 2018 I had a cryoablation and got off the Sotalol which was replaced by 2.5mg of Bisoprolol to help with BP. I have not had AF since which has been wonderful. In March of this year I developed atrial bigeminy and was in this rhythm almost incessantly. I am now taking 200g of slow release Flecinaide as well. My EP said if this fails he will do another ablation but so far I don’t seem to be having any side affects and the meds are working well - no more erratic heart beats. My question is has anybody else had the Shingrix vaccine while being on these meds and did you go into AF afterwards or have any other irregular heart beats. I want to have the vaccine but don’t want to upset things when everything is going so well. Then again if I was to get shingles things will probably go haywire anyway. I am seeing my EP next month and will ask him but just thought I would ask here as well. Thanks 😊
AF and Singles Vaccine : Hi everyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF and Singles Vaccine

A small episode of AF is nothing to the pain and distress of Shingles, I’ve had it! Thankfully I recognised it really early and already have viral meds in stock as I am immune compromised. I had two adapted small doses, 3 months apart rather than 1 dose and had no adverse reactions, I had much bigger reactions to COVID vaccine.

Had mne when I came of age with zero issues. Shingles is nasty!
Thank you BobD . I should of had it done when I came of age . We only had Zostavax in our country NZ at the time but I had read about Shingrix having a better cover so thought I would wait not realising it would take so long. It has just become available here in the last 12months.
Yes, I had the vaccine about 6 years ago without any problems.
Yes I’ve had the shingles vaccine and no problems st all.
My grandson had chicken pox one February and I caught shingles from him. Then the next year he had chicken pox again. I got shingles again
When I was 75 snd shingles vaccine offered I said I didn’t need it as I had had shingles twice and doctor said then I definitely needed it as I was susceptible
As I said above absolutely no problems. My husband had it too and he had a heart problem snd he was ok as well
In my opinion do have the vaccine shingles is horrible
Thank you Tapanac. What an awful time you have had with the shingles hopefully all behind you now. Glad your husband was ok with the vaccine. Honestly its a full time job as we get older keeping up our maintenance - glasses, ears, vaccines, mammograms and the list goes on Lol!
I see on here that some had 2 vaccines. I only had to have one. Do have the vaccine as shingles is horrible and if it's avoidable then go for it. I had it from the top of my forehead down the side of my nose and eye to my chin twice and even now on occasions it itches and tingles. Good luck and you’re right it never ends when getting older!!!!!
Sounds just fun .. A SINGLES VACCINE!
Oh you mean a Shingles Vaccine.
I have had Chicken Pox but I was with my mother with Shingles.
I don't want the injection. In NZ on FairGo a lady said because she did not have it on her 60th birthday she will now have to pay for it. $500.
cheri JOY. 74. (NZ)
Thank you for your reply. Well now I may have started something with a Singles Vaccine Lol! Cant believe I missed that - must have been typing to fast. I am from NZ also and the price of the vaccine is horrendous isnt it. I have just inquired at my Drs surgery and it is $290 a shot and you require two $580 in total. I think its crazy that at 65 you can get it free for that year only and after that you pay. The only way I can justify it is to break it down into years. If the protection lasts say 7 to 8 years its roughly $80 a year which doesnt seem so bad.
Well if you weren't offered it free at 65 - someone's to blame.
I understand it's only 'low' feeling folks that get it. It's not even a oldies disease.
In 2020 I was tested for measles and I had a high immunity. And I have 1000..??? of immunity for Hep B.
I'm not going to worry about it. I think it also has pneumonia added to cover you for.
Tetanus is free, flu is free so why not shingles???
cheers JOY
Hi Maisie2. I am now in permanent AF with HF and on a different set of drugs to you. I had a very bad outbreak of shingles in January 2019 (aged 72) and have had PHN (post herpetic neuralgia) pain ever since. I had not been vaccinated against shingles at the time but I have since had the Zostavax vaccine which is the older vaccine still given in the U.K. where I live. Shingrix is newer and supposedly more effective which is what I requested but was told it was not available. As far as I can recall, the vaccine did not affect my AF although as I am largely asymptomatic, I can’t really tell. IMO, I would risk the vaccine as you do not want shingles. Good luck!
I'm on flecainide and apixaban and had shingles vaccs a few years ago, no problem
Thank you Bagrat thats so good to hear. Its the Flecainide Im concerned about the most with all its possible side effects as I only started it a few months ago. I go back to my EP early September to check things re Flecainide but I seem to be tolerating it very well so far.
I've had both shots for the shingles vaccine, and felt no issues with my heart. BUT, as they forewarned me, my arm was significantly more painful after the second shot.
Thank you Frazeej. Yes I have heard the arm can get very sore but I can cope with that. I must remember to have the jab on the side I dont sleep on - which is the left side . My heart goes haywire when I turn to the left side so I avoid doing that so its back and right side sleeping for me. I always wonder why that is?