Hi everyone, I am so delighted to have found this forum as I have felt very alone since mid January when my paroximal AF decided to take over my life! After a few episodes of 'irregular heart rate ' 8 yrs ago ( one diagnosed as AF another as SVT, the others undecided) I have managed on 40mg of sotalol twice, then once daily, ever since, with only one or two brief 'episodes' a year. This NY I decided it was time to take charge of my life(!) & loosing weight would be a good start. A week after commencing the Keto diet, I accidentally became dehydrated ( combination of adjustment to ketosis, and an extremely hot spell) since then my heart has gone feral!!! Multiple trips to A&E, IV fluids & electrolytes, overnight monitoring, & increases in meds. It is exactly a month since my first 12hr episode with pulse flitting from 80s-170s & after finally finding a Dr who explained things to me, I have given up on my trips to A&E. I'm now on 240mg sotalol, + rivaroxaban + 62.5 digoxin, & unsurprisingly feeling EXHAUSTED 99%of the time. My alternate daily episodes are overall shorter and slower than before, but STILL totally irregular & unpredictable. I have another 9 days to wait until I see the electrocardio consultant again, & am very fearful that he will start me on flecatide(?) which will prevent me ever enjoying a glass of wine again, as well as other restrictions that I don't want to contemplate at the age of 57!
Has anyone else felt this Exhausted on sotalol? According to the pharmacist my body should have adjusted well before now, but I could still spend all day and night sleeping! Am I just being 'lazy'? Could it be the 4+hrs of PAfib? I have been assured by 3 separate cardiologists that my diet is NOT a contributing factor & that I need to just wait while my body 'adjusts' ....... seems to me, that my rogue electrical system is 'settling in for good' whist the meds are just allowing it to establish & knock me off my feet!