Hi I’m new here I would like to ask a question maybe someone else has experienced the same thing. I had my heart ablation 3 weeks ago after suffering with AF for 2 years I go back to the cardiologist on the 30th of this month I know I will be reducing my Flecainide and beta blocker that’s going to be scary in it self but that’s not my question. Did anyone have the same issue as I’m having, since I have been home, I can’t take a deep breath in I just start having a coughing fit or as I take a deep breath it hurts it feels like my lungs are really irritated I had the PVI method of ablation. I like doing a bit of meditation but can’t do the deep breathing since the procedure but looking at some of the conversations on here nobody has mentioned this I’m just hoping it’s not permanent! Another question I was getting a lot of ectopic beats as well as.AF but I don’t think the procedure will help with these so I am told which would mean I’m stuck on the flecainide Wheather the procedure has worked or not, the meds make me feel very fatigued and sluggish.
AF - heart ablation: Hi I’m new here I... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF - heart ablation

Hello Cassiebell, if you haven’t seen it yet, you should read the factsheet by clicking on the link below:
You will see that will answer a number of the issues you raise. The important thing to remember is that your heart has experienced extensive trauma and it can take six months or more before it fully recovers. During that time, particularly within the first 3 months, ectopics, palpitations and runs of AF are likely because it takes that long for the scar tissue to form which prevents rogue impulses from occurring which cause AF. The coughing is probably due camera which passes down your throat (TOE) to check for blood clots and the medication plays an important part in helping your heart to remain in rhythm during the recovery process. Unfortunately an ablation rarely offers an instant solution, there is always a recovery process so try and relax as anxiety is not good at this time....good luck

Thanks Flapjack just read the fact sheet I was wondering why my resting heart beat was much higher than before. I didn’t have a tube down my throat but maybe the freeze method that they used has irritated my lungs for some reason thanks for your help
Hmm, I would want to discuss the breathing in hurting problem with my GP. I didn't have that with any of my 3 ablations.
As this has persisted for 3 weeks, I would suggest you see your GP and also talk to the arrhythmia nurse. There are a number of different explanations for your symptoms, some of which would require investigation.
Your heart lays against your esophagus. Burning tissue in the heart is very close to the throat. I couldn’t breathe in very well for a whole week. There are some youtube videos that address this issue.
Had my second ablation a week ago. My chest has been sore after both of them and deep breaths create pain, albeit not major. A little coughing, but nothing major. Hoping someday that I can get off the flecainide, and three 3 beta/calcium channel blockers I am on. Maybe reduced doses because HBP is a big problem for me. Always tired and sluggish at this point.
I had ablation a week ago no issues, so far, which doesn't help answer your query. All I would advise is talk to your arrythmia team in first instance as GPs don't usually know much about ablations. My GP rang me yesterday to check all was well and I said I'd be happy to speak to any other patients referred if they were worried. He appreciated that as he said it wasn't something he knew about or came across that often.
Yes you are right Amanda about GP’s generally they don’t know an awful lot about ablations I have my follow up appointment at the end of this month at Papworth so will check with them. Thanks
As it happens my discharge summary arrived today and it says quote: "chest pain may occur as a response to the ablation (central discomfort, usually maximal on coughing / taking deep breaths). This usually responds to paracetamol / codeine analgesia and rarely lasts more than 1 week."
So it is expected but worth ringing as it's a while to wait to the end of the month.
Cheers Amanda
Yes I wondered about etopics too. Does an ablation help get rid of etopics?
I had my cryo ablation 3 days ago and have the same issue. I actually started with this symptom during the ablation itself and told the EP. He said at the time that the sedative can irritate the lungs. I didn't have any tubes down my throat during the procedure either. I'd still mention it to your arrhythmia team for peace of mind if nothing else.