I have recently been diagnosed with AF after suffering palpitations and unexplained fluttering in my throat since 2016. I have been treated for a number of years for hypertension. I’ve been prescribed Adizem (after a trial of Bisoprolol made me feel zombie-like) and Edoxaban and being reviewed in a couple of months. Being new to this forum, which is so helpful, I am wondering if there is anywhere I can learn what the abbreviations and medical terminology used here on this forum mean? I keep referring to the on line dictionary but a few abbreviations cover a multitude of explanations. Many thanks for reading. 🐝
Abbreviations : I have recently been... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Welcome to the Forum Elizabeth, I am sure you will be warmly welcomed by all the Members! However, if you would like any advice or information about AF, please contact the Patient Services Team at AF Association on 01789 867 502 or info@afa.org.uk.
You will also find a guide to Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms on Forum's 'Pinned Posts'
Kind regards
Tracy Admin
Thank you Tracy for your warm welcome and a tremendous thank you for guiding me to the medical terminology on the Pinned Posts (I’m heading on over there now) and also the Patient Services Team. How good to know there is someone to speak with in those times of concern. Thank you once again for your speedy reply. 🐝
You are more than welcome Elizabeth, I understand it can often be an anxious time learning about a new health condition, so do not hesitate to contact a member of the team anytime. You may be interested in joining us:
Patient Services 'Online' Coffee Morning on Thursday 07 September, heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
or joining us at our AF Patients Day on Sunday 08 October. heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
For further information , please visit the AF Association webpage: heartrhythmalliance.org/afa/uk
Take care

Look at Pinned posts to the right of the header page.
Hello Elizabeth, I've been on 5 mg of Bisoprolol for over ten years now and it works just fine for me. When I first started taking it I remember it made me drowsy but my body soon got used to it and I was soon back to normal. I'm 81 years old now and lead an active life with occasional bouts of AF. When I realise I am fibrillating I take an extra tablet and I am usually back in sinus rhythm after a few hours.
Hello MacGrumphy (I bet you’re not!😊). It’s lovely to hear from you. I was on Bisoprolol for nearly a year but I lost all interest in walking, tidying our home, making meals, visiting, holidays - in fact doing anything that required any effort whatsoever and it wasn’t getting any better. I put on a stone in weight and felt breathless on the slightest exertion. When my GP changed my tablet to Adizem, all that changed. I now walk 4 to 5 miles daily (10,000 steps plus) in my own time, I have lost 3 stones in weight, and my breathlessness is no longer a problem. My Cardiologist did say that the Bisoprolol is the better of the two medications for AF but exercise and losing weight are just as important so if I cannot tolerate the beta-blocker, the Adizem will suffice (for now). I awoke in the night (last night) with a bout of AF, but I sipped my water and propped myself up comfortably in bed and closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. I must have fallen asleep again because this morning I have awoken to a normal heart rhythm. I am 76 and like you my AF is occasional. Thank you for your reply, have a lovely day. 🐝