Why is there so much use of abbreviations in posts. As a new member I find it hard to understand a lot of the posts.
Confused: Why is there so much use of... - Atrial Fibrillati...

This thread should help.

That is much appreciated!🙏

Look to pinned posts on right where you will find a list of common abbreviations
It can be confusing, I hope that the abbreviation list helps.
Without them we would have posts such as “I had a Transoesophageal echocardiogram (TOE or TEE) to investigate my paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) carried out by my Electrophysiologist (EP)”.
It would be so hard to type all if it each time.
Pete 🤯
My EP has recommended a 7 day holter, to see how much AFL is breaking through my PermAF. Also to check the mean HR to see if I need to increase my BB dose.
He said the echo was fine, with an LVEF of 60%, and some minor MR. He asked why my PPM had been removed after only a couple of months and why I had switched from warfarin to a DOAC.
Apparently the second 3D mapping under GA had shown the PVI was holding up well, but he had found a focus of AFL in the RA where he had done an RF ablation.
What’s not to understand pp1?🙂

Exactly 🤪
Welcome to the forum Bowler, you'll find us a friendly bunch who are always willing to offer support where we can.
I understand your confusion, but fortunately have all the relevant acronyms drummed into my head now. Hope you have seen the Abbreviations and Acronyms under the pinned post heading at the side of this page.
I guess we also prefer to use acronyms because then we don't have to ponder over the correct spelling of the full word. Whoops giving secrets away now.
I'm the same
I guess they answer so may questions, sometimes on a daily basis. Just ask what does that mean? And anyone will be happy to explain. it would otherwise take an awfully long time to insert words for abbreviations... here's a few tho. NRS-normal sinus rhythm. oh I noticed someone had filled in a few blanks---I am telling you, this group ABE, lol- ABE ( my own) Amazing beyond belief xo