Had particularly tenacious episode of AF which failed to respond to my usual Flecainide PIP. This led to hospital over the weekend. After a somewhat lengthy process I eventually returned to sinus rhythm with the help of more flecainide, more Bisoprolol and a new one for me, IV magnesium.
I was discharged last night and have appointment on 24 July for CT/angiogram as there were some new changes in my ECGs. Blood test in hospital showed thankfully no damage as far as can be judged.
Lovely to be home , but I’m feeling like I’ve been hit by a the worlds most enormous truck. Just exhausted , with a strange ‘can’t quite expand my chest properly’ feeling, almost like I cannot take a full deep breath. This isn’t painful, just a bit weird and uncomfortable. I remember having the same sensation for a week or so after 2 previous electrical cardioversions, but didn’t expect to feel it after a ‘chemical’ conversion. I have stayed in bed all day and cannot remember having to do that for years!
Is it normal to feel so wiped out after a particularly bad AF episode? Could it also be the drugs cocktail and the total lack of sleep in hospital? Because I am due to have further tests I’m panicking a bit thinking something very dreadful is wrong with my heart! Before this episode I was feeling great, walking for 2 hours every day, gardening, happy and active. Any advice would be most welcome. Have had to postpone looking after one of my beautiful granddaughters overnight this week too so feeling ‘proper miserable’!