Hi I am 69 and have had a recent cardioversion after long episodes of atrial flutter with heart rate of 130bpm.Rate is now controlled by doubling my Sotalol but i am still getting some short episodes of fast heart beats lasting several seconds.Doctors at the hospital say a 4th ablation to capture the flutter would be difficult as i would have lot of scar tissue and an AV node ablation was suggested.I believe I would still have the flutter so would this damage the heart? I already have a pacemaker as i had bradycardia due to betablockers .Has anyone had AV node ablation as I know its a last resort?
Atrial flutter and AV node ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...
Atrial flutter and AV node ablation
Hi Jeanette - quite a few people have had AV node ablation as per this post
If you put Pace and Ablate or AV node ablation in the search box you will find the posts.
I think it is usual to be hesitant to go to this last step, I wen t part way and then found the pacemaker was sufficient for me so I didn’t have the AV node ablation. The people I have met or read posts who have had it done mostly say it has improved their QOL and because your pacemaker will control your pulse, most of the unpleasant symptoms of AFl should be lessened, even if you will still feel your quivering heart.
Thanks for your advice I am feeling better since they doubled the sotalol but it seemed that at least one doc thought this was temporary and I would revert back to atrial flutter .I just wondered if heart still quivers will this mean it damages your heart?
Good morning JeanetteH, I have a pacemaker with AV node ablation after suffering with AF for a couple of years.
The procedure was performed in 2021 and I am back to normal without the medication apart from Apixaban, the blood thinner. Golf 3 x per week with energy levels fine and BP and HR quite ok for a 78 year old.
Best decision I made
Best of luck with your decision
I got a pacemaker two months ago and no AF since. I used to get them every 5 to 7 days. Huge improvement so far. Good luck
Yes, I had AV node ablation and pacemaker. No more afib or irregular beats.