My electrophysiologist’s office in Naples Florida always did the routine ecg while I was sitting…just lift the shirt and pant legs…quick tabs on and check…no wasted time…on to rest of appointment. Now in another state…electrophysiologist office doesn’t believe me. What?. All in what’s protocol….🧐🙄. Changes in health care are most stubborn…ask, insist..
ecg….position: My electrophysiologist’s... - Atrial Fibrillati...
A supine position is preferred unless patient is unable. The new EP has reason to question that method primarily for an accurate reading and your benefit.
I disagree. I think it was rude. I lived on the other coast of Florida, and had it done the same way. Even at the hospital here in Texas you are only a little bit reclined. To say they think she’s lying is really nasty. In my opinion I might be looking for another doctor if I were her, it might be the tip of the iceberg with them
Yes, practices and techniques vary by country, region and even hospital practice. Wish they shared more between them, our life as patients would be a lot easier.
Pacemaker clinic - sit in chair with 6 leads attached. EP clinic supine with 12 leads and to keep very still.
I've had at least a few dozen ecg's. Have never had one sitting. Was lying down for all of them.
Always lying down.
Always lying down, very still here too.
Always lying down.
Would that be at the Royal Free? I just had an ECG there in sitting position, with leads only attached to the wrists and ankles. Doctor then gave me the OK so presumably. he was happy.
Always lying down. ECG 2 days ago, was asked to remove mobile phone and car remote from pocket; that's never happened before
I always had mine done the same way in Delray Beach with my cardiologist. Here in Texas so far, it’s been taken with me in a special chair almost like a beach lounge semi sitting up but the same thing top up roll pants down. I guess something just don’t keep up with things or just stuck in their ways. I cannot believe they would actually say they did not believe you. That’s just rude. I remember years ago you had to Undress, but except for my ankles they don’t place any others on my legs anymore.
Where are you now Polly?