morning everyone. Thanks for sharing all your stories. Very supportive.
I have had at for 20 years. Now 71. I've had two ablations over the last year that haven't worked
I am on drenoderone and Apixaban. Go back to see consultant in June. Think he might want to try bisoprol. the meds I am on seem to prevent severe attacks and I am unaware of my af which is making it more tolerable.
I am permanently in PAF.
the fatigue is awful at times.
two questions.
many experience of bisoprol?
I am going on holiday later on in the year in to Israel, a Nile river cruise and Jordan to see Petra. Three of my bucket lists !!!
can anyone recommend a holiday insurance company? Stay sure is advertised a lot in magazines for over 50's with existing health conditions. I'd also prefer to talk to someone not apply online!!
Thanks from a very cold and snowy North.