Was intrigued to read that pace and ablate does not stop AF from carrying on so just googled it.Arrythmia Association have a good fact sheet,and it explains that ablating the sinus node( which controls the pumping action) prevents the chaotic signals getting to it. They still do their own thing but don't cause trouble!
Pace and ablate info: Was intrigued to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pace and ablate info

You are correct. Pace/ablate does not stop AF . You will just be unaware of it !
Had my ablate yesterday. Can always feel every beat of my heart so I hope they are right once it settles down.
Hour of 130 last night. Just waiting to ask pacemaker clinic where that came from

Just what we have been saying to people for years. QOL should be improved but you still carry all the usual risks.
Glad you've posted this. Good to know. Am hoping ablation #2 has done the trick but am pragmatic that down the road it could all start up again. If so, pace and ablation might be a good choice.
Day 10 since my AV node ablation, heart still nice and calm 🤞
good news nannysue!
I cant even put into words how it feels now after so long in permanent AF. Only 3 weeks in from the AV node ablate and my energy levels have returned. No meds apart from the apixaban and my heart beating steadily. Although I was " getting on" with my life whilst in permanent AF, I felt tired and under par for too much of it. It's a very tough decision to make but so far, I'm pleased and my kids and grandkids are happy to have "me" back. Thanks for your kind reply. X
Yes ...After AV Node Ablation..... I am unaware of the A-Fib, off of all related drugs and no longer feeling serious A Fib symptoms. I had 12 years of life limiting symptoms, serious drug side effects, numerous cardioversions, and three Ablations. The three ablations provided limited relief because new, what I call "currents", developed plus there was a current that my Electrophysiologist deemed too dangerous to attempt to ablate. For me it was all more complicated than what it often sounds when reading about A Fib. I also had Bradycardia and Tachycardia. Since the AV Node ablation 8eight months ago I feel like new person. My Electrophysiologist and I decided at my age to opt for quality of life. And it certainly has given me that for now and it it wonderful.
I wish you well going forward.
It took me five years of GPs and EPs persuading me to have this procedure saying my only alternative now was to take amiodaron which having learnt of all the side effects it could entail I decided to go for it. I know that I will still have AF but not feel the terrible effects it had on me with regard to pain and length of time the episode's were and the general pulling down of my health. I am now 4 months from the start of the procedure and off all meds except for anti coagulation and blood pressure and am beginning to feel like a new woman and can only say in my case, as I know it is irreversible, hurray!! 😊
Thats wonderful! I know my mum felt much better after hers ( no mention then in 2010 of CV,ablation or meds. Dont know why!)But she did much better in daily life.
Best wishes xx
Yes, I was having this conversation with my cardiac nurse a couple of weeks ago. My consultant is extremely reluctant to go down this route because of this, because its a permanent feature and because of my age.... too young so would need multiple battery changes. Though a different consultant has recommended. I'm now booked in for third ablation on 22nd Dec. Hoping third time lucky 🤞