News about the second booster - Atrial Fibrillati...

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News about the second booster

Bolander profile image
48 Replies

I just had the second booster (which makes four jabs in total) so members may be interested in my experience. The good news is that the Moderna vaccine, that I was given, has now been tweaked to increase protection against the Omicron variant, which is predominant at the present. This is particularly welcome since the number of cases has been rising every week recently.

While experiences may differ, I am glad to report that, in my case, side effects were limited to slight soreness at the injection site and that has now disappeared.

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Bolander profile image
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48 Replies
sassy59 profile image

I had no side effects either Bolander and am pleased it’s all done. Glad you’re ok.

BobD profile image

Had my fifth on Monday but now have covid (not connected) so have no idea about side effects. Mine was Pfizer biventral which is also boosted against several new strains. We have a nice little covid centre here and I know which of my darling sons brought it home!

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to BobD

How come you've had 5 jabs Bob? Most people have only had 4 including this last dose now. How are you feeling?

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to jeanjeannie50

cos I'm an old git. (75+) Still suffering with temperature and bad headache. Sam improved enough to get angry with me for shivering and putting on big jumpers. She stands over me and makes me take them off to cool down. Swam out of bed this morning ! I've had worse! How about you?

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to BobD

Hope you soon feel better. You must do what you feel is right for you, if cold make yourself warm.

I'm still feeling very fragile, more so if I dare to move. Heart rate is all over the place and draining me. Still can't stop coughing, I'll be contacting my doc if no better by next week.

Tellingfibs profile image
Tellingfibs in reply to jeanjeannie50

I was going to ask how you were, then saw your post and hoped it meant you were feeling better…. but you sound washed out big time. You’re still replying to people and being helpful as usual though - I’m sure in your position I’d be thinking ‘ oh let them sort themselves out ‘ ! ☺️ I do hope you take a leap forward and feel brilliant soon.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to jeanjeannie50


Tellingfibs profile image
Tellingfibs in reply to BobD

sorry to hear it’s dragging on Bob. I suppose the thought about the jumpers is instinctive, because mothers are always told to cool children down if they seem to be over heating 😂 I hope one morning very soon you will wake up feeling sparkly and ready for a nice run 😉

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to BobD

You are right about the jumpers. If you have fever you should not try to suppress it unless it is really high . Fever is one of the body's natural mechanisms for killing bugs. In the olden days before anti fever drugs like aspirin and Paracetamol fevers would be encouraged with lots of coverings including bonnets!

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Auriculaire

I like my life so tend to give way to She who must be obeyed but have alway thought fever was benficial. When I was 35 I caught chicken pox. (never had it as a child) and had a temperature of 107F which is pretty near life threatening. Had a serious out of body experience (which was wonderful by the way) but heard my wife coming upstairs so had a bit of struggle getting back.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to BobD

Neither my sister nor I had chickenpox in childhood but she caught it when adult and was very ill with it. The silver lining for me according to the doc is that I won't get shingles.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Auriculaire

Yes as it is the same virus which survives in the spinal column and emerges as shingles. If you don't have chicken pox you have no virus to emerge .

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to BobD

Hello Bob. Er indoors must be looking after you!! I also caught chicken pox from my 4 year old son when I was 35. Wiped out my pancreas, so I've been an insulin dependent dibetic for nearly 40 years now!!! We've had our shingles jabs this week along with the Moderna Spikevax top up!

Look after yourself. All the very best. Jan xx

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Handel

My maternal Grandfather was Handel Hartley. son of first clarinettist in Hale orchestra. He had a brother Haydn.

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to BobD

😊 xx

Angie06 profile image
Angie06 in reply to jeanjeannie50

I have also had 5 jabs and not over 75 so it seems a bit random asvto when you get summoned. I've had the two original AZ vaccinations followed by 3 boosters this year in Feb (pfizer), June(pfizer) and Sep (moderna) after being invited by the NHS each time. My mum who lives with me is 93yrs, disabled from a stroke (AF) and heart failure has only had 4 and still waiting for a flu jab. 🤷‍♀️

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to Angie06

Same here this will be our 5th jab when we have it in the next couple of weeks. For some at higher risk this will be their 6th

Sacstate profile image
Sacstate in reply to jeanjeannie50

Here in the States, most people other than vaccination refusers had forth jab (second booster) months ago and are getting fifth jab (third booster) now.

Nannysue1 profile image
Nannysue1 in reply to BobD

How are you feeling now? Bet you'd be feeling worse without the booster, so always a silver lining that you got it.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Nannysue1

Had another night of putting on dry clothes but this morning my head feels more like me though I have zero energy. About to go and watch qualifying from Suzuka.

Nannysue1 profile image
Nannysue1 in reply to BobD


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to BobD

If you get out of bed and walk you are doing well…….comparatively.

philcollis profile image

Here is some science and information about vaccines, boosters etc..

Afbiff profile image
Afbiff in reply to philcollis

Very interesting, thanks for posting

gstedders profile image

I too had the tweaked Moderna.( I am 70 and in persistent/permanent AF ) . I also had a sore arm for a few days but no other side effects.

Ppiman profile image

Same here - so far! We went for our flu vaccination on Wednesday and were surprised to be offered the covid one at the same time. We've both had sore arms since but nothing more up to now.


Belle11 profile image

Had my 4th dose too yesterday morning (Moderna). In the evening I was shivering as if I had a fever, though temperature was normal. I went to bed in a jumper and socks, and with a blanket over me, and was still cold! Happily this morning I'm warmer again, and just have a sore arm and feel a bit achey. Hopefully That'll be the end of my side effects.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Belle11

That’s how I was within 4 hours. Woke in the middle of night drenched in sweat and shaking uncontrollably. Hot water bottle, paracetamol and Tumeric tea and I managed to get back to sleep.

I know I’m am exception but I’m still glad I had it.

Belle11 profile image
Belle11 in reply to CDreamer

Hopefully it's a sign that we're getting immunity - hope so anyway. And I'm certainly hoping I won't get 3 weeks of symptoms! A bit of fever now, and I slept most of the morning.

CDreamer profile image

Thankfully I had the Pfitzer this time (my 5th) as the las Moderna put me in bed for 3 weeks. The Pfitzer is also tweaked.

Currently back in be with nausea, muscle aches with cramps, headache and symptomatic Mg - but no heart issues.

Hopefully it won’t last for more than 24 hours. The nausea is the worst.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to CDreamer

PS - I refused the June jab - (should have been my 5th) so strictly speaking this one should be my 6th - because I’m immune suppressed and I don’t create antibodies to COVID jabs.

ozziebob profile image
ozziebob in reply to CDreamer

Did you receive your updated Pfizer in UK? The BA4/BA5 updated Pfizer? The one not yet authorised for use in UK, the one tested so far only on a small numbers of animals?

Perhaps I've missed an update from UK vaccine authorities?

Can you help?


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to ozziebob

I’d have to check the leaflet. I am feeling better this evening - I always react to vacs though, especially the Flu which I’m not looking forward to and now they want me to have the shingles - already had shingles once but thankfully recognised really early and had the anti-virals in the medicine cabinet so it was a minor inconvenience.

ozziebob profile image
ozziebob in reply to CDreamer

Hi CDreamer,

I've had shingles twice, but my shingles vaccine came a lot later. So I can be prepared if there's a next time, (I wouldn't wish shingles on my worst enemy) can you identify exactly what antivirals you used to combat shingles?


Re that covid vaccine leaflet you are intending to report back to me about, I think I am whistling in the dark to think that your compromised autoimmune system has obtained for you a vaccine based on the BA4/BA5 variants, rather than the only one authorised for the UK general public and which is based on the older BA1 variant. Such BA4/BA5 vaccines are authorised I think in USA, but not UK so far. I expect UK authorisation is not far away, and I was thinking you might have been one of the earliest "mice"/humans chosen to receive it.

So please, I am still keen to read your more accurate description of your last vaccine as per the patient info leaflet.



CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to ozziebob

If I come across the leaflet on the jab I will let you know, all I remember is that it was very different to last jab but did mention Omicron and variants.

Treatment for shingles - Several antiviral medicines—acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir—are available to treat shingles and shorten the length and severity of the illness. These medicines are most effective if you start taking them as soon as possible after the rash appears. If you think you have shingles, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible to discuss treatment.

You need to start to take them within 72 hours of the very first sign of a rash. As it happens, and purely because I am immune suppressed, I have repeat prescription for Acyclovir so had them in the cupboard and a very understanding GP. I recognised the first signs of the rash as my son developed shingles only a few months prior. I sent a photo to the GP who confirmed who told me the dosage - which was much higher than the dose I take for other viral infections.

The meds were incredibly effective and I had virtually no symptoms apart from the rash.

Gumbie_Cat profile image
Gumbie_Cat in reply to ozziebob

Pfizer is bivalent for Omicron, but not latest B4/5

beach_bum profile image


Auriculaire profile image

According to the uk government website the info put out by the MHRA on 15th Aug states that the Moderna bivalent vaccine approved for the UK targets Omicron BA 1 so NOT the variants in circulation at the moment which are BA4/BA5. The Pfizer bivalent targets BA4/BA5.

ozziebob profile image
ozziebob in reply to Auriculaire

I thought UK residents only had access to the approved updated Moderna, but CDreamer above received a tweaked Pfizer vaccine, which is not approved in UK. Has this situation changed?

I thought the trials of this updated Pfizer (incl BA4/BA5) was based on a trial of 8 or so monkeys, with no human trials as yet. Am I wrong? or perhaps the situation has now changed?

I am confused about UK situation? Any ideas?


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to ozziebob

There are two updated Moderna jabs. The one approved by the MHRA has the original Wuhan spike antigen plus BA1 -- actually pretty useless as the original jabs were no longer working against Omicron and BA1 has been superceded by BA4 and BA 5. The original jabs were no longer working against Omicron infection and transmission but also not working against hospitalisation and death. This was clearly demonstrated by the UKHSA statistics which showed these outcomes by vaccination status . The March figures showed that the percentage of people being hospitalised and dying who were vaccinated was greater than their percentage in the population as a whole. Since March I don't think these figures are being given by vaccination status any more. It happened even earlier in Scotland and their reason for stopping giving the figures by vaccination status was "to avoid misinterpretation" ie to hide the truth. The trials for Moderna's BA 1 bivalent were not really thrilling - ie showed it was not much good and they have since developed another bivalent with BA4/BA5 antigen - which has been approved by the FDA. But they somehow have managed to palm the BA1 version off on the UK. I think you are right about the 8 - but I read it was mice rather than monkeys. I believe the Moderna jab approved for the UK did have some reactogenicity data for humans- not good enough for the FDA. But there has not been time to do human trials on the BA4/BA5 versions before roll out. But the important factor in all this is Pfizer and Moderna's profits.

ozziebob profile image
ozziebob in reply to Auriculaire

Thanks for your usual insight onto this matter. If I understand what you wrote, the only updated Moderna authorised for UK residents is the BA1 updated version, which we agree is problemmatic.

You didn't mention the BA4/BA5 updated Pfizer which CDreamer says she received. But I don't know in which country she resides, nor whether UK authorities have officially mentioned it's availability in UK? Do you have anything more on this?

Thanks so far.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to ozziebob

Cdreamer lives in the UK. Presumably if she has had the Pfizer bivalent it must have been authorised there.

ozziebob profile image
ozziebob in reply to Auriculaire

Thanks again. I asked CDreamer where she got her BA4/BA5 Pfizer from, but no reply from her yet.

Perhaps she has priveliged access to BA4/BA5 updated Pfizer because of her medical circumstances. I am keen to understand what is available as I have so far has the original 3, declined the 4th, and will do the same if I can only access a BA1 updated vaccine, as I understood was the situation in UK.

You can read my query to CDreamer about this a short distance above where this exchange of ours occurs in this Post.

Oh, and yes, 8 mice, not monkeys/animals as I misremembered.

Thanks again for your prompt and helpful Replies.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to ozziebob

Having read the uk gov stuff in the link provided by gumbiecat it seems that the Pfizer jab available in the UK is BA1 too. The updated BA4/5 seem to be available in America. I will look into what they are using here in France. Not that I have any intention of having one!

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to ozziebob

I can’t confirm that info but that was my understanding. Let me check the leaflet - I’ll let you know tomorrow as I am not certain as I only glanced at it.

jayt29 profile image

So you had four boosters that could potentially give you pericarditis or myocarditis, both of which will shorten your life and could kill you against something that has a ninety odd percent survival rate? 🤔 That makes loads of sense, 😐but each to their own.

dedeottie profile image

I was nervous about the booster as I am only 7 weeks post 2 ablations. However I was more nervous about having covid badly so I had the flu jab and covid Pfizer bivalent 7 days apart. Very sore arm with the flu jab but no I’ll effects whatsoever with the covid jab. X

Thomas45 profile image

Had my 5th Covid jab yesterday along with a flu jab. Didn't feel flu jab but that arm is sore this morning. Felt covid jab and that arm is less sore.

The system was very efficient with 3 Nurse stations with 2 nurses at each. It didn't matter what time appointment was, told to join the queue, in my case two in front of me, so didn't wait long. A GP was present in case he was needed.

I live in a village, just surrounded by green fields, which has a population of about six thousand.

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