Meeting with a new EP/Cardiologist - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Meeting with a new EP/Cardiologist

DawnTX profile image
12 Replies

Since my last procedure the end of April I have been doing poorly. Unfortunately I cannot seem to get the attention of my EP who not only did the procedure VOM but is the pioneer of it. I liked the doctor however it appears that I am being ostracized. He has a medical secretary Who is not only inept at her job but truly appears to not care how she does it. She has no sense of urgency. Since I started with this doctor earlier this year, I have requested my records to be corrected. Nothing has been done not even the record of immunizations. I have a loop recorder however The reports continue to go to my doctors in Florida because she has still not followed through the transfer. Normally this might not be important but the fact that I am in permanent a fib since my procedure makes it important. The final straw was my cardioversion I was supposed to have done Labor Day weekend. Long story but again, she caused issues by not doing her job right. That Thursday evening the hospital called to confirm what was supposed of been canceled on that Monday. I had to cancel again because of her not giving me the proper information or following up in time for me to have my Covid test and blood test for the cardioversion. If not for the hospital calling me again, my EP would’ve been there the next morning and found no patient waiting.

I had made a complaint about her to one of his nurses in charge. Since then I cannot get return calls etc. the last attempt last week I was told it was being sent priority. That was last Tuesday and I never got a call back again. Meanwhile I cannot walk across the room without feeling ill due to breathlessness etc my HR has yet to go below 115 and tends to go to the 120s even upon waking.

Yesterday I met with my primary doctor. He is furious at the way I am being treated by the top hospital in the state and number 15 in the country. My EP is so busy evidently he does not follow up on his patients but allows a medical secretary to do whatever she wants. I don’t know what story she gave him but the fact no one is getting back to me is frightening. This is not the way to treat any heart patient. The stress and inconvenience of needing a new doctor now is hard to convey. My doctors in Florida would’ve had me in the same day when I reported what my heart rate was doing let alone the fact that I can no longer walk and continue to worsen. For the past three weeks I am unable to stand without severe pain and this week I have started to be unable to stand upright so that I look like the hunchback of Notre Dame. The pain is excruciating when I try. My primary actually gave me pain medication yesterday. I was able to get a cardiologist appointment on the 17th which I need to be referred to my new EP

Has anyone else ever had anything like this happen because they stood up for themselves? I was not rude did not name call I simply let her know I was no longer going back-and-forth with her that I had had enough.

As far as I know doctors have that golden rule of “do no harm” I would seriously get an attorney but doctors have a very close knit community if I take action I am concerned that whatever doctor I go to for my heart will not want me as a patient.

Sorry I am just whining and venting and truly curious. I feel as if I have been fired by my doctor yet no one will tell me. I actually had sent a message requesting that he let me know if you know longer wants to treat me I am a person who shoots from the hip and always has been that way. I don’t care who you are, if you were up in the ivory tower to the point that your patient cannot speak to you or your nurse then it is time to go

Fingers crossed that things go well with the new cardiologist. It means completely changing the hospital and group which is sad because the hospital treated me like a princess

Sorry for the novel it’s 4:30 AM can you tell I’m stressed?

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DawnTX profile image
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12 Replies
Ppiman profile image

Poor you and yes, I did feel a hint of stress. When doctors and their colleagues decide to treat us wrongly, there's little we can do about it. They can act god-like in their manner if they choose, and if we dare to complain, treat us even worse. This is unprofessional, but a fact of life. I hope you get some satisfaction soon.


DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to Ppiman

thank you Steve. I feel 170 right now. The pictures from last year just before I moved from Florida to Texas just so you know lol I use it because I like the mask 😹😹 it makes me less self-conscious as I have been unable to have the dental I need because of my a fib. My first real event caused me to fall facedown on my concrete floor. Now it keeps getting in the way because it seems every time I am going to schedule dental surgery if it comes back to haunt me.

I met with my primary on Monday and I am meeting with a new cardiologist on the 17th who will refer me to my new EP. I will let them get my records from my current. Last week they took a message from me and said they would send it priority. I was told 24 to 48 hours for an answer. It has been a week now. My primary doctor was furious when I told him what is been going on. I had an HR of 120 as I sat with him the other day. It never goes below 115 even upon waking. Yes I dared to make a complaint and I’m not sorry. Being ostracized does not really affect me because I was being ignored anyway. My primary thinks that my doctor just has too much on his plate. The current one is my EP/cardiologist. With all the time he is in surgery he has no real time to be my cardiologist/doctor. I don’t know what they told him but the fact he never picked up the phone to talk to me tells me I do not want him anymore. Thank you for your kindness and empathy I am feeling better now that I made a move. I just had a thought so highly of him that it is disappointing. I hope that you are doing well. I love all of you out here it feels like family now. No such thing as a stupid question etc. PS I also have an appointment with a neurosurgeon for my back. It isn’t until the middle of October but he sounds like he is worth waiting for. If I could only walk upright. Lol my cat and dog are looking at me funny I think they think I am trying to walk like them 😱😳


Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to DawnTX

You seem to have spirit and a sense of warmth and humour. It’s low spirits, a cold heart and depression that bring us down.

I bet you’re glad that you’re not in Florida this week! Sunny Miami it is not!!!!


DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to Ppiman

I try to keep going along like the little engine that could. When you give up that’s the end. There are certain things no one can do for you you must do for yourself. I also believe in being grateful for things even the little things. I worked law enforcement and I was also a medic. When you think you have something so terrible going on in your life I can tell you there are people who have it much worse out there.

it will be a long six weeks until my neurosurgeon appointment unless they get a cancellation but again it is what it is and I’m glad I have an appointment. I have the appointment with the new cardiologist the middle of this new month coming so all I have to do is hang in there a little longer.

you seem open and very friendly it’s nice to find people like you. I have met some kind people on here. 😊

The picture below is the community I lived in. This is not far from where I was. Yes I am very glad I am not there. We had flooding a few years back and I had water up to the dashboard in my vehicle. Believe it or not the car still worked they had to strip it to the bones though because it was so smelly. We had fish swimming on the walkway my place was on a lake and a canal. One of my neighbors drowned because he went out and couldn’t see the walkway foolish people need to not be nosy and just stay in and be safe. They endanger other people when they do what they should not I saw a video yesterday of a shark swimming in a roadway. Alligators and bull sharks are very adaptable

When I first moved to Central Florida we had four hurricanes in six weeks One of them took the roofs off of many units because we had chimneys and the wind hit the chimneys and peeled the roof back like peeling a banana. I was blessed my chimney was crooked and my roof stayed

I am in southeast Texas and I love the hot weather. We have had quite a bit of it and right now it is just gorgeous no humidity, sunshine just beautiful out I probably should’ve sent his son a message I hope no one gets angry

Outside my door in Florida
Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to DawnTX

It was lovely to read that post. I have a friend in Oklahoma. She gets a right mix of weathers. I suspect the Texas dry climate makes the heat more bearable. We are often a damp country with humidity that makes it seem less comfortable at times than it might otherwise be.

And yes - there are always people worse off. We've had more than our share of tragedies, though, so maybe that's what makes me so open and straightforward. It's the best way for society to be in my view but we're moving away from that and turning into some kind of new puritans without their faith. Style over substance is often the norm. But never mind - my high horse often makes me angry! ;-)

I hope your health is soon better and that the new doctor has a rabbit to pull out of a hat! But whatever happens, tomorrow always comes and has to be dealt with, and deal with it we both shall.


DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to Ppiman

lol I think we are very much alike I am a straight shooter also. I just like fake people or those who think they are better than everyone else. They say whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger I try to remember that. This latest round between my AF and my spine really made me exhausted mentally and emotionally. At one point I thought how if life had to be lived like this I don’t want to reach 100. I do have hope that things will get better. I truly feel is those something went wrong with my last procedure. I am one of the oldest to have it done part of me almost feels like a guinea pig and I wonder if because it appears it failed that this is the reason I am being treated so poorly because they want me to disappear instead of facing facts. I supposedly was a perfect candidate. I had two previous ablations and felt so much better after each one almost immediately. The doctor I will be seeing, the EP not the cardiologist, sounds like the type of doctor I need. My EP was the pioneer of my procedure if I did not tell you. He can stay in his ivory tower. I need someone down to earth like my previous in Florida.

hearing from people in Florida. I have a feeling there is a lot more death and destruction than anyone even thinks yet. My heart breaks and I’m praying for them all. A best friend of mine cannot be reached but that doesn’t surprise me because no doubt power and probably cell phone power is out. Feel free to keep in touch I feel as though I made a friend with you thank you again

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to DawnTX

You’re very kind to say those things. I do hope Florida is okay. The news from over here is scant and we’re so used to exaggerated news these days we don’t take so much notice until we’re sure.

Keep positive!


DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to Ppiman

it is sad even my doctor my primary doctor on Monday said it happens more than it should. If you met the doctor I am now having issues with you would not believe he was like that so I don’t know what lies he was told but shame on him for not talking to me direct. He is not worth me getting so upset that it makes me feel worse so I am taking a deep breath and will be meeting with new doctors both cardiologist and EP plus a neurosurgeon because I cannot stand up straight and walk without pain on top of everything else. Thank you for being so understanding

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to DawnTX

There's a saying from the north of England (a more traditional part of the country in some ways), that "There's nowt as queer as folk" ("queer" in the "odd" sense). It seems to me your new doctor fits that quite well, Dawn.

Keep positive!


DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to Ppiman

Thank you Steve I’m trying

Tapanac profile image

oh dear I do hope you get some satisfaction soon. All the best


By the way from your photo you don’t look 70!!!!!

DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to Tapanac

lol sorry I called you Steve. I had two messages mixed into one. Thank you for the kind words. I had mentioned to the wrong person that I like the mask the picture is just about a year old now but I am self-conscious. When I first had a fib that I was aware of it was because I blacked out in my face first on the concrete floor. Every time I am about to have dental surgery if it comes back and I am unable to do so. So this is why I like my mask lol

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