has anyone developed AF and near constant breathing issues after the covid jab or contracting Covid
AF amd breathing issues : has anyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF amd breathing issues

I had afib episodes before I had Covid, but after many months without an afib episode, I did have an episode during Covid, probably due to dehydration and overall systemic stress from Covid. I have also had some post Covid breathing issues.
Is your interest purely academic, or have you experienced these things? If so, please share with the group.'
hi Jim
I had a bad flu like issue over Christmas but tested negative but in February I had a mild cold that was I fact covid positive by March I was having breathing problems pretty bad I ended up in hospital in May for 6 days my HB was 178 again in June at 147 so having had a ecg in 2018 amd no AF plus no HB issues I am kind of thinking is there a link . My echo was fine mild mitral regurgitation amd midly dilated LVH but not heart failure level .
I have had two chest x rays with no issue I am waiting a CT scan
But I am breathless to often and from walking 10 miles every Sunday I now struggle just walking through town
So your HB (hemoglobin) was normal? What about your Ferritin? Right now, I have normal HB but low for me. But I also have below normal Ferritin, which may be causing some of my symptons. Have you see a pulmonologist? That may be next on my list or maybe an endocrinologist LOL. They also have what are termed "Long Covid" clinics in the US, which may be a down the road stop. Do you have GERD? I had a bad gastro stage of COVID and it made my GERD a lot worse which may also have impacted my breathing in addition to the low Ferritin and lower HB. Still trying to figure it out!
sorry Jim by HB I meant heart beat . I used to have GERD but I cut white bread and white flour and all good now . I did have a Uk BNP test at 180 normal 100 heart failure 400 plus do both doctors said the problem isn’t heart failure but I do need to shed some weight .
So far I have only seen cardio doctors as for now the obsession is the AF they say they can’t see why I am breathless as the heart is not in bad shape so although I have had 6/7 ecg I am now having the 24 hour heart monitor. I know there are long covid clinics here but so far I feel a reluctance to look at that for a option from the doctors
Are you short of breath only when in afib with a high heart rate, or also when not in afib with a normal hear rate? Also, have any drugs been added that preceded your shortness of breath?
both in and out I’m on 15mg of Bisoprolol if I cut to 10mg I am like a fish harping for air st times
If your breathless periods are linked to high heart rate, then that's quite normal. If so, have you considered an anti-arrythmic like Flecainide to bring you back into normal rhythm. But your description of "candy floss or cotton wall..." also sounds familiar and in my case I think GERD, or more specific "silent GERD" may be at play. Given your history, a trial of antacids or a week or so on PPI's might act as a differential diagnosis to make sure some of your breathing issues aren't being caused by GERD.
PPI's are protein pump inhibitors such as Nexium and Dexilant. They are the most powerful acid suppression drugs. Not saying you should go on them permanently, but you might want to ask your doctor for a trial on them to see if it helps your breathing. If so, then it might be GERD related. I suppose you could try the same with antacids such as Mylanta to see if that helps as welll.
You're welcome, but sometimes here it's like the blind leading the blind. Unfortunately that often also seems the case when you see a doctor. 😀
Evidently, there are a lot of vaccine injuries which the media have 'chosen' not to report; you may be aware of these guys covid19criticalcare.com/ . Re gastro issues I would try cutting out 90% of gluten, helped me on a number of fronts incl AF.
hi, i have had afib since the jabs and contracting covid. I did not have significant breathing issues but had asthma anyway. I still have terrible tinnitus since contracting covid though. Not had an episode since april so a bit concerned about booster jab.
I have breathlessness with AF. DEFINITELY worse following covid and DEFINITELY worse still with bisoprolol. Much better since change in meds but still a feature of my AF.
Hi I have also breathlessness walking up an incline and carrying groceries or doing housework is very scary not being able to catch your breath! I had covid in January and had 3 jabs, I did have breathing difficulties before covid but much worse now, I had a lung function test and the consultant told me to look up google and do breathing exercises! That was a private consultant, terrible! I am on Flecanide and Nebivolol not sure if meds are contributing to the breathing issues, let us know how you get on, all the best Ingrid
sounds exactly like me Ingrid I dread a flight of stairs if I’m with someone as I can’t do it without stopping
Yes stairs are awful I have been off work since July as my office is up 2 flights, I also sleep with 3 pillows and often walk up gasping for breath does this happen to you? speaking with my GP tomorrow so hopefully get some answers!
Yes, all of the above. I belong to an international forum of people who are dealing with Long Covid and the number one symptom after contracting Covid or getting the vaccine is shortness of breath or various versions of problems with breathing. The second most common symptom is heartbeat issues, like AFIB or other arrythmias. Most of us have had every possible test and generally they come back negative for any physical anomalies. It baffles doctors but most on the forum have concluded that this bioweapon virus has unleashed an uncontrollable and ever-evolving set of unpredictable aftereffects. All these symptoms do seem to fade over time.
would there be a time frame as I’m 6 months in now maybe that’s not long but it feels a life time
Not to discourage you, but many of us are still dealing with these issues of breathing and the heart 2 years from the time of infection. It does seem that those who take a very proactive approach to their health, like fine-tuning their diet, getting lots of exercise and especially sunlight, make a surprisingly quick improvement.
I had Covid in December 2020 and had two a-fib episodes during that period, whereas they were infrequent previous to that. The episodes continued after Covid to the point where I had an ablation.
I have breathing issues but honestly I don’t blame either of those although I did have Covid in March and it did not help matters. I do not get the boosters so I only had the original to Moderna and had no issues with it. I can barely make it across the room because of my breathing. It’s almost a year now since I’ve gotten like this but it increased dramatically after my last procedure the end of April
The "vid" as my daughter calls it is a controversial topic these days. Regardless of which side of the vax fence you're on, it's important to remember that this is a personal decision.
I decided not to get it, and I'm glad I made that choice. Yes, I have gotten Covid. Twice. The cure is brutal I think in that the steroid they gave me both times elevated my blood sugar but once I quit taking them (only 5 days) it went back to normal.
Our son as required by his work to get the shot and the booster and still got Covid twice too.
From what I've read there is a correlation between afib and the vagus nerve, a nerve that runs through the abdomen. It seems to me that it wouldn't be at all unusual for a person who is on medication for covid, especially if it affects digestion, to have an afib attack.
Also, I had to watch for dehydration since the antibiotics did give me the runs. My appetite had dropped significantly (along with tastmy e buds the second round) so I was not eating much, which also didn't help.
Still no afib episodes though.
I had my first AF 9 days after the first Covid vaccination resulting in cardioversion, I had another AF 9 days again after my third vaccination. I was ok after the second one! I couldn't say whether or not it had anything to do with the vaccination, it could just be coincidence, the doctor said it was nothing to do with the vaccination, but I suppose he would. I have to make up my own mind about further vaccinations!
well I had my heart monitor 24 hours amd nothing no dignity if a flutter walking 10,000 steps, then tonight after I gave it back 20 mins of AF