I am a 66 year old male bald but with very thick hair around sides since going through afib med load I’ve noticed my hair that’s left is majorly thinning and my scalp is sore and itchy! I take dofetilide and Eliquis twice a day - also just had ablation
hair loss: I am a 66 year old male bald... - Atrial Fibrillati...
hair loss

I've read from a few people of betablockers causing hair thinning but I have had no problem. For some years, I have had a flaky and itchy area on my balding centre patch and now have been given some prescribed cream for it. I gather sunlight can cause something called keratosis. Yours might be a side effect rather than this, however, so I would ask my GP for advice.
Good morning, have the same problem with thinning hair on top, betablockers appear to be an issue. Regarding flaky and itchy head, first thing is dandruff so a good shampoo is necessary, I use Capasal, advice from GP, suits me well. I take blood pressure tablets and was told they cause skin to become light sensitive, hence first stage of skin cancer. I am prescribed Efudix cream which does keep parts affected in control. However there is freezing canister which does clear them with a couple of doses, you may need to see a Consultant for this process
I am 77 and play golf 3 x times per week so wear a hat at all times outdoor, don't like wearing them but better than developing skin cancer
Best wishes
We have heard similar problems from people taking both anticoagulants and beta blockers but as both are commonly used it’s difficult to know which causes what. It’s obviously more difficult for females but most accept the risks associated with NOT taking the medication are much greater…….
65 year old male here. I've been taking a beta blocker (metoprolol) for years (since 2008) and began taking Eliquis in 2016. I've been losing hair since the age of 18, but in my 50s everything seemed to stabilize - I was keeping the hair I still had. However from the time I began taking Eliquis in 2016 my hair loss started up again and I'm losing more hair than ever now. I now wonder if it's the same result with all the other available anticoagulants.
Regards, Richard
Did you have anesthesia for your ablation? My hair thinned many years ago after a non-heart related operation that was attributed to the anesthesia drug. Fortunately, my hair thickened up nicely again. I took dofetilide at one point in my a-fib journey, but it hadn't affected my hair.
More than likely the Apixaban. It's a noted side effect.
Yes, I recognise this. 72 year old woman here. I started on Apixaban around two years ago and within 3 months noticed that my hair was falling out at an accelerated rate, and has continued to do so. My hairline has receded, and my hair has also changed texture and is now frizzy. When I brush or comb (very gently!) I now feel little sharp tugs, as if something in the follicles is different. I take no other medication, and nothing else has changed. I did report it through the UK Yellow Card scheme, and to the nurse who did my annual check. She was very sceptical. I understand that in susceptible people the risk is similar with other DOACs. So I’m stuck with it.
So glad you wrote about this, I have had an itchy/tingling in my head for months and hair loss. Did not see until recently Sotalol kills the hair shaft! Been on various other BBs and Eliquis for months. Geez, what next?????? Recca