Bisoprolol and hair loss.: Has anyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Bisoprolol and hair loss.

Ilovedogs12 profile image
40 Replies

Has anyone on Bisoprolol noticed more hair on their hair brush?

I've just been to the hairdresser's and my hair hasn't grown since my last appointment two months ago, which is very unusual for me.

I have been noticing a lot more hair on my brush and it feels a bit thinner.

I wonder if it's the medication, I can't think of another reason for it.

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Ilovedogs12 profile image
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40 Replies
Spanl5 profile image

HI, I have been on bisoprolol for 3 years now and noticed hair loss quite a while ago. Definitely a lot thinner. Had wondered if medication or just age being 79 now. A lot of extra weight too.' Heigh- Ho', worse tings happen at sea.

Hartingdon profile image
Hartingdon in reply to Spanl5

My hair is definitely thinning and I was thinking about medication being the cause. Also 79.

BobD profile image

Usually your anticoagulants which are known to do this.

Bingofox007 profile image
Bingofox007 in reply to BobD

Defo my anticoagulant! 🦊x

Camelia23 profile image
Camelia23 in reply to BobD

Yes, Bob, I was going to say that. I asked my hairdresser about the thinning. He said that my hair was a little thinner than when he started cutting it in 2007 but not any faster than he would expect. I take Bisoprolol too.

Cavalierrubie profile image

My hair has also gone much thinner. I have been on Warfarin for 6 years and slowly this has happened. It is a side effect of anticoagulant - not to mention old age!

Ilovedogs12 profile image
Ilovedogs12 in reply to Cavalierrubie

I've just spoken to the pharmacist. She says Bisoprolol can cause hair loss but it's very rare. Just my luck!

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Ilovedogs12

Oh no, with anticoagulant as well you don’t stand a chance do you? I use volume shampoo and conditioner which helps. Join the club ……..

Soleil23 profile image
Soleil23 in reply to Cavalierrubie

You found a shampoo that helps?👍 What kind do you use, if you don't mind me asking?

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Soleil23

I am in the UK. There are many to choose from now but l am using at the moment John Frieda. A volume spray after washing is good. I also have Behapro strengthening shampoo, but only been using it recently and it feels pretty good. You can buy eBay or Amazon. Good luck. X

Soleil23 profile image
Soleil23 in reply to Cavalierrubie

Thanks for that info. 😊

Camelia23 profile image
Camelia23 in reply to Ilovedogs12

Sorry avoid that I love dogs. I read somewhere about choosing foods with Biotin in and not use heat, hairdryer, heated tongs etc.

Coco51 profile image

Actually have to say I have not noticed this at. Maybe I have been lucky...

Ilovedogs12 profile image
Ilovedogs12 in reply to Coco51

The pharmacist has told me Bisoprolol can cause hair loss but it's very rare. My dad always used to say I was the unlucky one in the family 😕...

Tellingfibs profile image

Yes. Much more hair loss since diagnosis 7 years ago. I just take Warfarin and Bisoprolol so I think it’s one or both of those. Also, feet that feel cold ‘in my brain ‘ ( can’t think of another description ! ), but not necessarily if I touch them. Also dry skin, which I have never been plagued with, and I am only just realising my Blepharitis and Dr Eye began around the time I was put on those drugs.


Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Tellingfibs

I have the same Annie. I am taking warfarin and l have dry skin and dry eyes. I have to have prescription eye drops. I suppose all of these problems are better than having a stroke and mild in comparison. Take care.

Suesouth profile image

yes mine has gone a lot thinner and always loads more on brush

mbheart profile image

No hair loss and I take 10 mg. Bisoprolol daily.

Lovedogs1 profile image

I have the opposite of this, my hair was falling out and going really thin. I am now on a variety of meds including Bisoprolol. Now my hair has stopped falling out, and grows really fast. I take Dapagliflozin, Perindopril, Atorvastatin and Apixaban. I have my hair trimmed every 4 weeks.

Maria1263 profile image
Maria1263 in reply to Lovedogs1

You are a ticking time bomb on all those meds

Elephantlydia profile image
Elephantlydia in reply to Maria1263

You will probably live longer as a result of these excellent drugs.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Maria1263

That is a rather silly comment to make

Ducky2003 profile image
Ducky2003 in reply to Maria1263

Ticking time bomb for what? How would you describe an unmedicated heart condition then?

opal11uk profile image

I don't know which of my drugs have caused this, maybe all of them but I have gone from having a thick head of hair to fine! I actually put it down to Warfarin because that was when I started thinning out a little.

Polomad profile image

I have noticed a lot of hair on my hairbrush and my hair is definitely thinner, but I think this is old age as I am now 83. As far as my hair growing that has not been a problem and I have to get it trimmed about every two months.

Terriersgalore profile image
Terriersgalore in reply to Polomad

Me too. I’m 83. Has your hair gone grey or white too like mine? I used to have strong brown hair. My hairdresser says white hair is always much finer and thinner. I have thyroid issues, which always affects your hair.

Manycrafts profile image
Manycrafts in reply to Terriersgalore

I have thyroid issues (underactive) treated with levothyroxine and take 5 mg Bisoprolol and have put my hair thinning down to my thyroid and age 77.

Terriersgalore profile image
Terriersgalore in reply to Manycrafts

Yes I have an under active thyroid, also treated with Levothyroxine. I had a call from my GP to have my thyroid blood test redone. I was taking 100mcg daily, and it was changed to 100 one day and 75 the next, and so on. I don’t know exactly what my blood tests showed, but I feel a bit better. Having AF, I think the too high dose was giving me palpitations, which is much better now. Haven’t noticed any difference with my hair, as yet. Hey ho!

Manycrafts profile image
Manycrafts in reply to Terriersgalore

When my Levothyroxine dose of 125 mcg became too high due to me losing a few stones in weight, my toenails were the only effect I noticed, particularly bad on my left big toe. It grew out twice as thick as normal and became a little loose and white under it in patches. The looseness and white patches happened to a lesser degree without the thickening on a couple of other toes too. It was in the pandemic and I could only see a nurse who did tests for a fungal infection which came back clear. I didn't go back to the doctor's as I noticed a line where the nail grew from that looked more normal and after a year it had grown back normal thickness again if a little more ridged. Eventually I realised the growing normally again was a couple of months after my Levothyroxine dose had been reduced to 100mcg.

Terriersgalore profile image
Terriersgalore in reply to Manycrafts

I think, quite often, it’s a case of help one ailment but also get a new one.

Rainfern profile image

My hair thinned a lot following onset of persistent AF and taking anticoagulant. I put this down to the Edoxaban/Apixaban but since ablation and being back in NSR my hair has thickened up again despite being permanently on an anticoagulant. Someone once suggested circulation could be a factor and that scalp massage can help.

Carnationmac profile image

I used to take Bisoprolol, however, it was Apixaban that causes my hair loss, I used to have wild curly very thick hair, now its a slight curl and thin, hey ho just one of those things. 😊

Countrydweller2 profile image

I lost a lot of hair when I started my meds, it would get tangled and matted in the shower too, so I stopped using shampoo and just use a rich conditioner.

Ducky2003 profile image

Anticoagulant has caused issues for me. Plantur 39 helped a bit but now, due to a recent balayage, I've invested in some Redken shampoo and conditioner (recommended by the hairdresser). That's really helped and also with the general condition of my hair so it looks fuller.

Fight-the-good-fight profile image
Fight-the-good-fight in reply to Ducky2003

I have just purchased ‘Cornish Seaweed shampoo and conditioner’ hopefully that will help,

Grandmaz profile image

luckily I had very thick hair before diagnosis, it is definitely much thinner now , I am on 10mg of Bisoprolol and Edoxoban

Ellie-Ann profile image

I’m 77. Been on Bisoprolol for three years. Same… hair thinner but alive.

I have noticed my hair is drier, more daily loss and I seem to have acquired a few more grey hairs.

I don’t take Bisoprolol, but in attribute my hair loss to anticoagulant Dabigatran.

Sue6666 profile image

You can check out a supplement called Biotin which I take and my hair is in good thick condition and I've been on Bisopolfor about 7 years x

Aegean56 profile image

I am having same issue with Metoprolol.

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