I had been suffering from AF in various forms, latterly persistent, for about 15 years. I had Mitral and Aortic Valve replacement surgery 10 years ago and two weeks ago I had Catheter Ablation. I have been in Sinus and feeling good since my Ablation, until last night.
I woke at about 3am in AF. It lasted for about 3 hours and now I'm back in Sinus.
I had been out for dinner the previous evening and stupidly eaten a pasta dish with Aubergines, Tomatoes and a tomato sauce. It was delicious.
Which brings me to my point. I have long suspected a link between eating Tomato and a bout of AF being triggered through the night. I have therefor avoided eating tomato for some considerable time. (I love tomatoes in all forms, even tomato sauce on chips)
I am currently investigating potassium as a possible link, particularly as a also suffer from Kidney Disease.
Does anyone have any experience of this or similar food connections, or even better a theory or two on any work arounds.