Covid passport chip???: Anyone here... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Covid passport chip???

belindalore profile image
52 Replies

Anyone here have a covid passport chip? A Swedish company who produces these chips is pushing them at the USA. From what I've read Europeans are/have been being chipped. They can also be used to for a person to do banking, medical etc. But they could also be used for evil to track your every move. Personally it would be a cold day in you know where before I'd go to that extreme. But I see it's going to be the norm someday. Not for me. Too Orwellian. It's bad enough we can be tracked with our cellphones and computers. And our personal information stolen. I wish sometimes I'd been born in my parents generation.

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belindalore profile image
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52 Replies
BobD profile image

As you said your phone already does everything you are worried about--- and more! Don't forget to wish the spooks a Happy Christmas next time you are near it.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to BobD

You too😊

Elli86 profile image

There’s a few on here that are going to love this post 🤣 should be entertaining 👍

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Elli86

Yes it's always nice to learn something new in the world isn't it?

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to belindalore

Not always but yes maybe 🤣

CliveP profile image

Where have you read about people being “chipped” in Europe? Do you have a link?I’ve not heard of anything like that at all and it’s easy for misinformation to spread.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to CliveP

Several news sites had the article in the last couple days. "New microchip implant stores your COVID vaccine passport" on This is a company in Stockholm, Sweden. The owner has an implant as well as many of his employees and he is pushing it to other countries. You can laugh all you want. You apparently haven't read all the news there is to read. This is something I can see these young people doing these days. How many people had trouble believing other things that have been developed around the world that they thought were strange? Like self driving cars? Or Alexa that you talk to and can ask it to start your car for you? Turn on your lights, etc. Read some of the articles about this. You too Prinzmongo. Does anyone in Europe microchip their pets as they do here in the USA? Why be surprised that some company has come up with a chip for humans? I'm not a bit surprised. But find it creepy.

You all have a great day!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to belindalore

I can believe this. The Swedes were very quick off the mark with contactless paying.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

Yes. They seem to be very "high" tech there. Hope you're feeling better. Take care.

PrinzMongo profile image
PrinzMongo in reply to belindalore

With the quasi-citation you included with this post, I did a web search and found the news reports you were originally taking about. ( « »).

From what I read there, it's not being marketed (yet) and they've only implanted it in their ~100 employees (no word whether it's a condition of employment.)

Pardon my skepticism, but I'm so tired of dealing with the tin-foil hat brigade claiming that Bill Gates and the 'New World Order' are implanting chips through vaccine needles that this sounded like that. And I'm really fed up with the real damage that people like that have done by convincing 1/3 of the population to not get the COVID vax which has allowed it to continue mutating instead of being confined and extinguished. The same thing is happening with measles... can be well controlled until enough people refuse to take the vax and then it breaks out.

Maybe one day, the technology will get miniaturized enough to be slipped in a vaccine, but for now, those chips are the size of rice grains... good luck sneaking that bad boy in a flu / COVID vax injection

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to PrinzMongo

No. I never even gave Bill Gates or any of that a thought. Saw the article and read it. It's just amazing the technology that is coming. But still creepy.As far as diseases like measles? The USA has seen an uptick in certain illnesses we'd eradicated. The uptick has been caused by the illegals coming in who don't get vaccinations in their countries. Whooping cough is also one they brought with them. Fact is this is what happens when open borders are allowed. Especially bad with covid. These people are not being vetted and not getting the shots. I don't believe what the current administration tells us that everything is just peachy keen. I believe the border agents and what they see and deal with on a daily basis. They know exactly what is going on. It's much worse than being reported.

PrinzMongo profile image
PrinzMongo in reply to belindalore

Your wrong about measles... the US has had problems with outbreaks because of the antivaccine movement.

« »

PrinzMongo profile image

Yep. One of the best modifications I've ever had done... I no longer have to push the buttons on my microwave... I just wave my fingers above the buttons to program it.

Same goes for telephones... Just have to wave my hand over the hand piece and the phone picks up and relays to the chips that have formed an internal speaker in my skull. Really handy, especially at times where I'm taking a shower.

Of course, I have to be careful around my credit cards... I keep wiping out the magnetic strip, but one gets used to that pretty quick.

Just wish I could figure out how to block the police frequencies... really hard to get to sleep at night with... "One-Adam-twelve, One-Adam-twelve... see the man, unknown trouble..." going off in my head all night. /s

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to PrinzMongo

Read my new post above. And read what ZuckerRat posted below.

ZuckerRat profile image

People laugh… But this is exactly where they are trying to go. Years ago… I worked for a microchip company called “avid”. Back then, the idea of inserting one of these into a human would have seemed ludicrous.

It’s true… Our cell phones are tracking us, but there are ways around that. Stop giving up your freedom for convenience, people. If you are the religious sort, then you know what “the mark of the beast“ refers to.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to ZuckerRat

Read my new post above. Take care and be safe.

Tomred profile image
Tomred in reply to ZuckerRat

yes , looks exactly what is foretold in the book of revelation .

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to ZuckerRat

I constantly forget to take my mobile out with me and don't use it for anything other than WhatsApp or the occasional call if I have remembered it. So whoever is tracking me will have big gaps in their data!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

That's me. I use my phone for the internet as I don't have a computer. Too much for my budget. But most of the time my phone is laying atop my dresser. If I do take it with me it's for safety. If my car were to break down I can call for help. Which has happened in the past. When I see people blabbing on their phones driving the highway I cringe. A friend scolds me because I'm slow to answer her texts. I just say I'm sorry, I don't have my phone glued to my head like some people. 🙄Take care and be safe.

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to Auriculaire

We have tracking turned off but more often than not forget our phones when we go out so they are going to have so much fun trying to track us. having said that every time you pay with a credit/debit card your movements are in some way tracked. Personally I don't care because my life is so b****dy exciting at the moment I don't care who knows that I go to Tesco's once a week and an hour's walk every morning and the gym in the afternoons and haven't been to a restaurant since November. Whoever is tracking me is going to be bored to death. ;)

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Desanthony

Same here . I don't even go shopping as that's my husband's job. My internet purchases are mainly supplements though I gave been contemplating for months buying something from a German jewellry site that sends me daily ads. I think a lot of tracking at the moment is to supply data to advertisers so they can target us more efficiently. Mostly I resist adverts on principle.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Desanthony

True. Our information is sold to different companies and such when you use our credit cards. Banks sell our info. No privacy at all anymore. The most aggravating are the telemarketers that call all day long. Don't know if other countries have these telemarketers that call to try and sell you whatever. Some are scams to try to steal your money. That does happen to too many people and aimed mostly at the elderly. Most are taped robot calls. It's very annoying. All you can do is just hang up. My life is probably even more boring than yours as the only places I go to are the grocery stores. I did go to a thrift store I used to go to quite a bit. But other than that I'm home. Now that's boring.

Take care and be safe. Enjoy your Xmas holidays.

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to belindalore

Hope you had a good Christmas. We do have telemarketers but my land line only takes calls from those numbers I have saved on there and intercepts others and asks me do I want to take this call. I do get calls all the time on my mobile so block that number as soon as I get the call. Though there are plenty more coming in every week. I love the way I only have to look at something on line and then I get adverts for similar things - thing is sometimes I am looking for things for other people so love getting the adverts for all those things too. Its all part f life and my wife's elderly Aunt used to keep these people chatting on the line - just for company I think :) they must have loved that.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Desanthony

Yes I have a friend who talks to the telemarketers too. Drives his wife crazy. Lol Hope you had a nice Christmas too!

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to belindalore

Yes a quiet Christmas with just the two of us. we visited my recently widowed sister and my son and his wife just before Christmas and face timed the grandsons in Florida and my brother and his family on Christmas Day.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Desanthony

Oh sorry about your sister. Wonderful you were able to visit with her. And nice you could face time your loved ones. Amazing and wonderful to be able to do that. Who would have thought a few decades ago we could look at one another and talk to one another on a screen. 😊 Hoping your new year is happy and prosperous.

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to belindalore

Yea it is marvellous really. Hope your new year is peaceful and healthy

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Desanthony

Thank you.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to ZuckerRat

Hi zucker rat.

Ill probably regret asking this 🤣 but who are the “they” you are referring to when you say “this is where they are trying to go”?

No comment on the religion part of your post 🤐 best keep quiet on that one or I may upset the easily offended ✌️✌️

Tomred profile image

disgusting idea , youd think we were all criminals.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Tomred

Feels like it sometimes doesn't it. It's a strange world we are living in.Take care and be safe.

Jajarunner profile image

Nobody is being chipped in Europe. Only by choice via their mobile phones.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Jajarunner

If you'll read the article the owner of the company and most if his employees have been chipped.

Jajarunner profile image

That's a bit different from Europeans being vaccinated.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Jajarunner

That was in a different article I'd read.

Geza10 profile image

Quick one my daughter was on her mobile to her mobile phone company after about 2 mins the guy from the company told her she has a lovely smile, lesson to be learned don't take your mobile to the toilet

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Geza10

🤣🤣 wow! Just when I thought standards couldn’t get any lower! Heard it all now I think.

So someone decided that it would be a good idea that while spying on your daughter on the toilet he would let her know about it? 🤔 and all from a work phone where the conversation and caller id would be recorded and date stamped? 🤣

It’s absolute tosh like this that makes the mentally vulnerable paranoid!

Do me a favour and straighten up your tin foil hat geza, it’s slipping, I can see it though my telescope 👀👀😉

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Elli86

Yesterday one of our friends stopped by. We were talking about the virus and things going on. Testing for it and whatnot. He'd asked if we'd heard about the chips for humans. Guess you don't read much? Whether chips will be used by all humans is yet to be seen. There is a lot of new technology out there. Some people haven't heard about it all yet.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to belindalore

I read quite a bit Belinda thanks but if you notice I wasn’t actually talking about the chips or referring to you. I was commenting on gezas ridiculous comment.

I don’t really have much to say about the chips to be perfectly honest it is what it is and you won’t stop it. Elon musk is very likely going to be restoring paraplegics ability to walk by inserting wires directly into the brain controlled by a microchip inserted just behind the ear so relatively a chip placed under the skin is nothing 🤣

Science is moving rapidly so I would say get used to it or you’ll be left behind ✌️

Being paranoid and sceptical about every little advancement in technology or rule change by government doesn’t help anyone in my opinion. It just gives the mentally vulnerable and medically paranoid people out there even more reason to worry.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Elli86

That's fine. The world is moving fast in technology. That is wonderful if someone could walk again using that technology. I think Elon Musk is quite brilliant. Do you know he has Aspergers syndrome? Pretty remarkable what he has accomplished.

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to belindalore

Yes I’ve heard he’s on the spectrum as they say. He does display many of the characteristics in his personality when he talks.I would agree he is most definitely brilliant. A real once in a lifetime character who we probably won’t appreciate fully till he’s gone. He will certainly leave his mark on the world for sure.

Geza10 profile image
Geza10 in reply to Elli86

the toilet was a joke you clown, chill out and stop annoying people on the site

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Geza10

But the fact he was spying on her wasn’t? 🤣 stop talking rubbish and spreading lies and maybe people won’t pull you up on it. There are mentally unstable people out there that will be influenced by this crap and your not making it any better for them.

Geza10 profile image
Geza10 in reply to Elli86

your one by the sound of you

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Geza10

Intellect at its finest! 🙄 are you not even going to make an attempt to back up your drivel?

Geza10 profile image
Geza10 in reply to Elli86

You know why you have AF at 35 you are to STRESSED out mate all the timelooking for confrontation a key board warrior

I know how I got mine and it was not being a key board warrior sad mate Good Bye ---------------

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Geza10

🤣 That’ll be a no then as usual!

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Geza10

The problem is geza it’s people like yourself that are creating all the polarisation in the world today.

Social media has enabled your everyday person to spew complete and utter garbage on a daily basis with complete anonymity and without being held accountable for it. Vulnerable people then pick up on it and it continues to circle. Before you know it you’ve got thousands of people brainwashed into believing utter rubbish like flat earth.

If people like you were actually held accountable and had to provide even a shred of evidence for the crap they talk then the world would be a better place.

Geza10 profile image
Geza10 in reply to Elli86

good night sweetcheeks

Elli86 profile image
Elli86 in reply to Geza10

Intellect of a carrot as usual!

Come in and talk 💩 with nothing to back it up and then ride off into the sunset like you’ve achieved something after someone challenges you 🤣

Typical conspiracy theorist strategy. Brains of a donkey! Night 😘

Geza10 profile image

As for the chip the only chips I will have is with a bit of cod merry Christmas to you all

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Geza10

Merry Christmas to you!

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