Has anyone moved from 10mg Bisoprolol to Nebivolol? What dose do you take. My GP has changed me to Nebivolol but was unsure about equivalencies even though he checked carefully. I have started on 5mg to be checked in 2 weeks or sooner
Bisoprolol to Nebivolol : Has anyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Bisoprolol to Nebivolol

Thank you for that. My BP is roughly the same as yours
I too changed from 5mg Bisoprolol to 5mg Nebivolol. Much more energy but still waiting for the weight loss

The weight loss would be a bonus. Breathing while walking is the reason I have changed. I do have asthma additionally
Will do thanks
I was changed from 1.25mg Bisoprolol to 2.5mg Nebivolol and have got rid of breathlessness and fatigue. My ectopics seem to be more blunted and my BP is more stable - low normal usually at 100/65. On Bisoprolol, BP was all over the place but perhaps it’s because I felt so rotten, even on the lowest dose of Bisoprolol.
That’s good to hear. Interesting that your dose doubled. I can see why my GP was undecided. He is keeping a watching brief though and I see him again in two weeks.
I requested and was changed from 1.25 Bisoprolol to 2.5 Nebivolol about 3 months ago. The reason was the adverse side effects of Bisoprolol, which a lot of users appear to suffer. Breathlessness from the slightest physical effort was the main problem. Initially i didn’t think there was much difference but three months on i am much more able to do normal things without collapsing in a heap after 30 seconds and today i was walking up steep inclines on Beachy Head, in very stormy winds without any noticeable disadvantages.
Hello Nanny C I take 2.5mg of Nebivolol daily and have been taking it for 18 months with no adverse effects on my breathing or anything else . My GP told me to take an extra dose during an episode of P-AF to see if it would help but it didn't have any effect.
One thing to beware of is your heart rate, mine has been quite low since being on Nebivolol 48-58 bpm but it doesn't worry me because I feel ok but I would be wary of increasing the dose in case it went any lower.
I changed to Nebivolol at the beginning the year, my dose is 5mg same as the Bisoprolol. I feel so much better on it, breathlessness much improved and much more alert - no brain fog. I wish I has been on Nebivolol from the beginning of being diagnosed, nearly five years ago - I had to fight to get it changed, cardiology department would not change it even though two years ago I was diagnose with mild COPD and I was sure the Biso was making it worse, the only thing they offered me was Carvedilol which is even worse than Biso, I did get a prescription of it and on the back of the box was a warning, not suitable for asthmatics or people with lung problems, so I never bothered to take it. I told my GP about this and she prescribed Nebivolol for me. I always thought that your GP was not allowed to change drugs that the hospital had prescribed, but thankfully she did. I have found that it has lowered my HR, it was always in the 80/90's and now it is often in the mid 70's which is good for me. It costs a bit more the Bisoprolol and I think this is one of the reasons that it is not so widely used.
Hope you get on well with it.
Wow Cassie that is amazing. Thank goodness GPs are willing to stick their necks out and prescribe what is clearly better for many people. I told my GP about this forum. He didn’t appear to have heard about it.
Just to add when I asked the cardio clinic to change the Bisoprolol I did ask for Nebivolol and explained why (it was this site that gave me the info on it) registra muttered something and then looked up his book of drugs and came up with Carvedilol. My GP was also not aware of this site, I told her about it a few years ago and she is aware that I have gained a lot of knowledge about AF from it, so she did not question my request for Nebivolol, just said fine we will give it a go.
I changed to 5mg Nebivolol from 10 mg of Bisoprolol in July this year and have found that the ankle swelling and skin itching and general feeling of tiredness and heaviness that i experienced with Bisoprolol has improved no end. I have had no further episodes (touch wood) up to now but know very well that this could be a lull!! Would recommend it and also my GP said we can up the dose if necessary.

Thanks Kineton. Your dosage exactly mirrors mine so I feel reassured
I forgot to mention that also the Bisoprolol caused numbness in the bottom of my feet and that has nearly gone now! Glad to of been of help.

Strange. Not seen that as a side effect
Hi. My change is different but similar effects. I changed from 5mg bisoprolol to Verapamil. My change was due to lots of ectopics, Tiredness, generally feeling crap. I have suffered for years with ectopics but the last 18 months on bisoprolol have been hell despite asking numerous times to change. Well, wow what a difference. After a few days my ectopics have all but gone. Feel miles more alert and happy. Fingers crossed it continues. Only thing is my blood pressure seems higher and pulse so need to monitor and perhaps adjust the doseage.
I changed from Bisop 2.5 to Neb 2.5, I split a 5 mgs pill as they are cheaper.
Feel loads better on Neb, wish I had changed pills much sooner.
I went from 5mg bisoprolol to 5mg Nebivolol about 18 months ago. My fatigue is so much better. Had trouble getting my EP to make the change but finally he did. I think Nebivolol is more expensive for medicare here is Australia hence the tighter control